I am soooo glad its a bright and cheerful morning! WHOA I sound like a morning person! I woke up well this morning. I wasnt sure if I would do ok since I went to bed at midnight but I woke right up before my alarm! I even have brownies made and in the oven on the timer. (gasp Jim will be in shock) Usually I don't use the timer because I can tell by the smell. My problem is I will sit down on the computer while waiting and of course its all burnt offerings when I remember I was cooking.
So I am awake! I might even make it to Sunday School..NOT. Our Sunday school is at 9am and with 8 kids to get ready..well mostly 5, there is NO WAY I would EVER make it that early to church. Mainly because there is no way I am getting up at 4am so we will make it. I realize this may be shocking to some but to have church services at 9 am and 10 am and then to have church at 6 makes for a VERY long day and I wont do that to my kids or ME.
When we used to go to Calvary in Yucca Valley, I was always amazed at the families that would get up and go to the 8:30 service. I refused to go..even if we could make it I had told Jim I just couldnt do it. I know he would have loved to do it but its easy for him..he gets up..brushes his teeth and get's dressed..he's ready to go. Usually in the morning I'm helping to find shoes and socks and making sure they match. I know a lot of stress would be solved if I did more the day before,but well I am not that organized yet.
And I will be honest about this, I HATE change that I am not "ready " for. Even though they have been having services like this 3 years..ahem.. I guess my problem was..during the war I had gone to Oregon to visit family, and when I came home they changed sooo many things. It was very unnerving to me. Like I said I don't do well with change, plus the fact that we were going through a tough time. I had, had a horrible miscarriage right before Jim had gone to Iraq. I was not normal and I just remember it seemed like everyone I knew just disappeared. I was used to getting phone calls once or twice a week and suddenly I heard from NO ONE. I was not normal so maybe they just couldnt be around me..but I think I really needed them then. 6 weeks after the invasion started I went to stay with family. This was good and bad. It was very very good for me, it sort of took my mind off all the happenings over in Iraq..but it was bad for Jim. He didnt get many letters from me and it hurt his feelings. I felt bad but I had a lot going on in my life. Besides that, I am not a very good letter writer. When Jim and I first married, I tended to write like 3 times a day..I'm not kidding. Of course that was before I had 7 children. I was totally bored and had no life. Its hard because I don't really have anything to say this time. We have email and phone calls. He reads my blog, I don't have anything NEW and exciting to say in a letter. I barely have anything to talk about on the phone. Its mostly, I love you, I miss you, Oh Jojo is talking..I should save him some tidbits just for him..but what to save??? Anything to be able to write a letter. I did start buying cheapo cards and just putting one liners in. I'm trying to mail something every day. And besides that I have been sending packages. That in itself is a major chore. I don't always feel like going to the post office. So..its sad to be confronted with the fact, I have NOTHING to say. Ok maybe its not a surprise to you.! ha ha
All this said..when I came back from vacation LOL so many things had changed in church and I just couldnt handle that either. Oh well..we survived somehow and I got over myself. BUT I am still not getting up at 4am to get to church at 8:30.
so I am happy today back to the original reason I am writing, I am happy because I am up early, and its now 8am and I need to get off here and get those kids ready. Hair fixed you know..FUN stuff.