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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Should Girls Go To College?

I was scrolling through the blogs and I came across one that went on and on against girls going to college. I am struggling with this because on one hand I do believe women need to be in the home and help meets, but that doesn't mean they shouldnt be educated? What if they never marry? What then? I am not getting any younger that's for sure. Who is going to take care of them when I am gone? Or their father is gone? Their Brothers? There are NO guarantees in life.
I don't even believe that college is for everyone. Not everyone has a desire to go. If they want to go then they will go. Who am I to put limits on my girls..just because they are girls and just because they came from a Christian home?

I know how many people think though, being around Christians, maybe I even at one time thought the same things right along side them. I do believe when a woman has children she should be home with them. I also think its harder for a woman to be the helpmeet to her husband working out side of the home. That said, I do believe that there are plenty of ways and opportunities that a woman can be productive and bring in an income while staying at home, if that is her hearts desire.

And that said, I will tell you that I am very thankful for women doctors. I am glad for women who do work outside of the home..Christian or not. I am also glad for the woman that starts a buisness and contributes to her community by providing jobs and services. Running down a rabbit trail here..I think people who have such a strong stand about women staying in the home and not working or going to college maybe they should NEVER ever go to any store or service that employs women. Maybe I think too much but I really do think these things out.

So this is my view, and my opinion on my girls going to college. Its the same for my boys. If they want to go then they have my blessing. If that is their desire, WHO am I to decide for them what they are to do in life? Or how the Lord will use them or his will for their life? I know in my heart I would love to see them marry and have children and be stay at home mom's, because I love my "job" and it has been fullfilling to me, but I do not believe it is my place to limit them in their education for my desires.


Blogger Susan said...

You know, Jamie, I've read a lot about girls not going to college, and at one time, I also agreed with them. It seems to be one of two things, or maybe even both, that motivates people to not send their girls to college. One is that the Bible forbids it, seeing that it says women are to be keepers at home. If that's their conviction, I respect that (and I do believe that women are to be keepers at home!). The second reason seems to be based in fear. They feel that a college will undo all the training that they've done. The only thing I can see on that is that they are only considering secular colleges or universities. Being independent Baptist, I know of quite a few colleges that have the same statement of faith that I do, and know that they turn out students who are measuring up to the same standard. There are some students who don't, but you'll find that within every organization from the home to the church to universities.

One thing I've noticed with many people who won't send their daughters to college is that they also want female doctors for their wives and daughters, and they also want Christian doctors. They won't have those if all the Christians stop sending their daughters to college. We can't have it both ways. I don't mean to be petty, but I wonder just where all the female Christian professionals are supposed to come from if Christian parents aren't sending any of their daighters to college?

I believe it's each family's decision. I can't tell anyone God's will for their family.

April 02, 2006 8:09 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

I totally agree with all you said Susan..and I love the way you put it. I do understand the conviction to be a keeper at home also..I have been in that camp before too..but I do like my woman doctor and I do like a beautician and you know I do like women in the women's clothing department etc..I could go on and on and on.. It just goes to show God doesnt have the same exact thing for everyone. Its not a one size fits all walk with God. ok I am starting to ramble ramble.. thanks for your comment!

April 02, 2006 8:21 PM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

Well I'll tell ya! If Nannette wants to go to college, I'll certainly encourage her to go to a Christian one. But I am already "training her that it is her job to stay home with her kids.
I do not want her stuck working like I was. Yes I worked and yes I did the daycare thing, but I'll be the first to stand up and tell you how wrong I was. You cant be the best mother when you are working. Been there done that. Not to mention the guilt I still carry around for having her in daycare.

April 02, 2006 10:26 PM  
Blogger abrightnewdawn said...

As of right now, Sonya does not want to ever kiss a boy. Well, if that's the case she better get her buns to college (IFB, of course :)) because I'm not supporting her!!! I'm SOOOO kidding, but really. When she decided that she'll never get married I said all right, then the Lord has another plan for you, and she said "yup, I'm gonna be a nurse". (that was last month, who knows this month, but the point is she knows the Lord can use her in many ways.) All right, granted, she's 7, and in too few years, she's going to end up wanting to kiss boys. I know one man who'd rather she never does......

April 03, 2006 11:07 AM  

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