weight loss weblog

Monday, April 03, 2006

Driving, Flying, Shopping and MORE

Well, Saturday was a busy busy day for us, in fact I have decided NEVER EVER EVER stay out late on the night of the time change. You should have seen me Sunday Morning..I know I felt like a total zombie.

Today was more of the same. I was sooo slow in moving today. I barely woke up long enough to make it to the couch this morning. I slugged around and my house can prove it. Of course that would have been ok if I wasn't in need of going somewhere. Justin was asked to go and demonstrate his flying for the Boys and Girls Club. SO we headed out there this afternoon and of course..if you go to Palm Springs you have to go shopping. So we bought some tshirts at target ..after his demo. (which he did great) and then went to Sam's club to buy some oatmeal and what all. And I tell you, I bought some frozen foods and this gray bag to keep them in..(It all fit perfectly) and that bag was super! Everything stayed COLD we even stopped at another store so we got home HOURS later. Everything was still frozen! I was very impressed and glad I bought it.

Anyways, I had a really nice time with the kids and of course we got home LATE so I think its sluggo morning for us tomorrow too. Its a pity though..I have so much to do right now in my house its not funny. Like I have to remop my floors..Jacob spilled salsa and although he cleaned it up..its not really cleaned up well. I will be sooo busy tomorrow..and we also have PIANO lessons..not to mention I have to mail a package to Jim..evidently they equate packages and mail to how loved and missed they are..and so far..he said He ISN'T MISSED. I am thinking..ok you want money saved or a bunch of junk your going to just leave in Iraq sent to you? So..I bought him a tshirt and some candy and gum. I also bought a bunch of cards and I am trying to send one out every day.

I just don't think I can do this for 6 more months though! And he better appreciate it!


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