weight loss weblog

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Today was sort of a slow day.

I don tknow why but I was so tired today. I did run to the commissary and picked up food. And today I juiced in my juicer! That was fun..and it wasnt messy like I thought it would be! Tomorrow Jerrica and Jared have soccer practice! I will be busy with them. Next week Tuesday Joshua will start his practice. He is raring to go thats for sure! Today at the PX they had shin guards for them for 3.99. So I was able to get those..Joshua LOVES his and put them on right away!

Joseph is taking more and more steps every day. Although once he takes a few steps he starts laughing so hard he falls down. So it might be a while but not much longer. I have mixed feelings about him walking..I am a little sad because he is growing so fast and excited because he is growing up! Maybe its time for another??? LOL just kidding! ;)

Well I am going to bed soon..tomorrow I have a busy busy day ahead of me. I am taking the van into the hobby shop to have them help me replace the battery and pull the code on it. A few weeks ago when we had some major flooding we got stuck in it on the way home from church. It was really bad..I was afraid we weren't going to make it home. Well after we got home the service engine light came on..and stayed on for 3 weeks..we didnt drive it so its been a little crazy doing things. Jim has been at schools so he hasnt been able to take the time to fix it..so I am going to do it tomorrow to FREE up our weekend.

I am actually looking forward to it! Well I better get! I need to get some sleep so I am NOT cranky momma tomorrow!

Showers of blessings!

Today a good friend gave me money to get the kids shoes for soccer. I was so shocked and so thankful. I am still pinching myself but isnt that just how God works..through people who love us! I am so thankful for friends who go above and beyond. I don't want to get all mushy but I do want to praise the LORD for answered prayer! He never fails us!

Sleep Talking

Joseph fell asleep today with the phone! I just think this is such a cute picture. If you can't tell..that is JUSTIN my oldest son. Not sure if you could see that or not.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Were sitting here watching the devestation all over the news, to me it is just amazing! I guess the hardest part of this is seeing the people who had a chance to leave, narrowly escaping death. Or worse..not escaping death. Families, torn apart, never again to be the same. It upsets me to see people with no disregard for their safety and the saftey of their family. How much money is being spent to rescue these same people? I am sure FAR more than it would have been to leave. Lives endangered for their freedom to stay. My heart breaks for the children caught in this. I just wish people would use common sense! My prayers are with these people who lost their homes, their buisnesses. And yes, even those foolish enough to stay.

Looking at the damage shown in the media, its overwhelming, a whole city! It seems hopeless! The saying " you cant take it with you" is so true, some of these people didn't even have time to get their shoes on.

How suddenly our life can change! In the Bible we are told to be ready for the the coming of the Lord.
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they say Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them.... 1 Thess 5:2-3a

Although I have the helmet of salvation and I know I can leave this world in peace knowing where I will be when its over. Although seeing this type of devastation reminds me that not only should my walk be right with the Lord, but I need to be doing more for HIM. I wonder how many of these people went out into eternity without the hope of eternal life with Jesus.

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. James 4:14

I know I have purposed in my heart to do more for him.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Hey are you a Christian?

Tonight after soccer practice I stopped at the "shoppette" as I call it to pick up some bread. Well as I was leaving a man approached me and asked me, Are you a Christian? and I said why yes I am. And he said..I could tell by the way you were modestly dressed. You know..that really blessed my heart..but what really made my day was when he started to tell me that he used to Pastor a church in Yuma..as soon as he said that I was amazed. His name is John Howe and his wife Angie and I used to talk on Msn a LOT. Isnt that a small world! ! He is leaving for Iraq in September so keep our military in prayer. This chance meeting also reminded me that people are watching.

1 Timothy 6:11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godlines, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and has professed a good profession before many witnesses.

Soccer MOM!

Well today was the first day of soccer mom insanity! Ok it wasnt that bad. Other than being LATE picking up Jacob. Jessica looked so poised and beautiful! We are letting her wear culottes and they looked so modest! She was the TALLEST one out there! They had her doing the goalie and she did pretty good considering it was her first time. I will get pictures of their next practice. I could kick myself for not getting them this time.


Do you have a lot of cleaning to do? Is your bed made?

OH Mondays do not always have me at my best, thats for sure. I have been a little under the weather for a few weeks and I feel like I am starting to pull out of it. I have so much laundry to do. I do laundry a lot and normally I am fairly caught up..but last week I had like 30 blankets..ok maybe it wasnt that many but I had a lot to do..plus the regular laundry. So on my deep freeze I have this HUGE pile of blankets. I am working my way down to the bottom but it looks like it might take a while.

One of these days I may have the kids do their own..but I am kind of funny about how its done...although they do help..and my older ones cycle the loads as needed. And we all FOLD and put away.

Today I become an official soccer mom. Originally we were just going to put the girls in soccer, but when it came time to sign them up, the man at the youth activities center told me that they are desperate for more players in the older groups. So I decided we would let the rest. So now I have 6 children going to practices! We are going to be busy busy busy. M, Tue, Thurs and Friday! Practice and games! I dont know what I was thinking! But I guess I need to do something while Jim is gone. Normally I dont leave the house! I dont know why but I end up all depressed and a horrible slug when JIm is gone. I dont know what I am going to do when he is in Iraq come february. I think thats basketball season, Right?? LOL I dont think so!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Today at church something was FISHY!

And it really was fishy! Today in Sunday school, Miss Kathi gave out fish to all her students! But some how 3 of mine ended up bring them home. Joshua (3 yrs) had to have some too! And carried his little ziplock bag of fish all through walmart..(we had to get fish food) till we got home! Now he sits by his fish and tells me how much he loves his fish and how he wants to pet them and feed them!

At first I was thinking OH GREAT more pets! But to see how much joy he is getting from his "Church Fishies"! I guess its worth it! I figure they might last a week.

Here he is next to his fishies! We put them in a little used punch bowl. I guess its finally earning its keep.

Well I better get. Honey (Jim) leaves at 2:30 this morning to go back to pendleton. Next week he gets a LONGER weekend because of Labor day! YIPPEE! I sure miss him during the week! I better get real used to it because he will be gone a lot this next year.

And to add another picture!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Well...here is my first post!

Welcome to my Blog! My hubby has been in schools all week and is home on the weekends. My youngest boy turned a year old yesterday. I can't believe he is that old already. Well I better go spend some time with hubby..he leaves for another week away! I cant wait till schools are over!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Here is my baby!

Here is Joseph on his 1st birthday!

Its hard to believe he is already a toddler!

Here he is eating his cake!

Yep he can get messy! We had a fun birthday!

And a sweet end to a perfect day! He fell asleep after his bath..(still in the towel) holding one of his sisters dolls! Too sweet!

Boy the time sure does go by too fast!