weight loss weblog

Monday, August 29, 2005


Do you have a lot of cleaning to do? Is your bed made?

OH Mondays do not always have me at my best, thats for sure. I have been a little under the weather for a few weeks and I feel like I am starting to pull out of it. I have so much laundry to do. I do laundry a lot and normally I am fairly caught up..but last week I had like 30 blankets..ok maybe it wasnt that many but I had a lot to do..plus the regular laundry. So on my deep freeze I have this HUGE pile of blankets. I am working my way down to the bottom but it looks like it might take a while.

One of these days I may have the kids do their own..but I am kind of funny about how its done...although they do help..and my older ones cycle the loads as needed. And we all FOLD and put away.

Today I become an official soccer mom. Originally we were just going to put the girls in soccer, but when it came time to sign them up, the man at the youth activities center told me that they are desperate for more players in the older groups. So I decided we would let the rest. So now I have 6 children going to practices! We are going to be busy busy busy. M, Tue, Thurs and Friday! Practice and games! I dont know what I was thinking! But I guess I need to do something while Jim is gone. Normally I dont leave the house! I dont know why but I end up all depressed and a horrible slug when JIm is gone. I dont know what I am going to do when he is in Iraq come february. I think thats basketball season, Right?? LOL I dont think so!


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