weight loss weblog

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Life on the couch

I was able to get my jeep almost ALL the way home. If I had done a U turn across traffic, I probably would have made it home. But I guess the fear of it stalling out in the middle of the road blocking traffic sort of stopped me from doing that. oh well..I'll get it home. Its only 1/2 mile from my house but is Miss lazy bones wanting to walk down there? NOPE

I'm depressed today. Today, I did nothing. I pretty much laid on the couch and watched Frontier house. I'm a bum I know it. My house is a wreck. and really I don't even care. How sad is that?

I have had more episodes of blahdom more times than I care for..and guess who isnt getting her girls dresses done. Guess who has now changed them to MOTHER's Day dresses??? I did that because I was getting overwhelmed and with the pressure off I know I will actually want to do them. I just feel like right now there are all these things pulling me and it makes me just want to give up on the lot of them.

I had all these plans on saving money, selling our jeep..(who would want it now), putting stuff on ebay and nothing is being accomplished..every time I think of saving money..something comes up to spend it..and trust me I can find ways. I feel like such a failure because we are getting more money with Jim gone and I am not saving any of it right now. The thing is..I am good at saving money, but I see so many things we have done with out for so long and I just feel like this is a good opportunity to take care of some of those things..like socks for the boys, Jessica has out grown all her clothes. What isnt too short is tooo tight. I don't know when she shot up like that but she is almost as tall as me. I just have such high expectations of myself.

So..I figure today is probably one of those bad days..maybe and hopefully tomorrow is better.


Blogger abrightnewdawn said...

Toooooomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, you're only a daaaayyyy awaaaayyyy.

April 05, 2006 11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you Jamie... I know you can do it. Sometimes we all have those days of just sitting around and being numb to everything. Tomorrow is another day and you can have the will power to start... I'm praying for you hun and we send our love from NC to CA.

April 06, 2006 4:23 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Jamie :) You just need a big hug and a pat on the back for the awesome job you are doing. You are a great mom who loves her kids and feels AWESOME when she gets things accomplished. So you took a day off, good for you...a great way to start off tomorrow refreshed and ready to get at least one thing off your list accomplished right :)...Hmmm I personally have 8..yes 8 loads of laundry to get done *sigh*. Maybe you will get your "midnight madness" bug and clean the night away like you have been known to do ;) Love you, and BTW

April 06, 2006 5:25 PM  

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