weight loss weblog

Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Rabbit Tiger

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Well here he is..our Rabbit Tiger.  HA Just a little play on words here.   I am so glad he is ok.  And no he was not really impressed with me while I was taking this picture.  He did sit there a long time with that rabbit on his head.  I laughed and laughed!  I told him see when your naughty you get pictures taken of you looking stupid.   As if he understood!  

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Its Saturday! The last one of the month!

What are you doing today?

I am doing really not much of anything! I am going to be putting some stuff on ebay in a bit. I probably should get dressed! And then I am playing with the kids and or doing puzzles.

Today in the mail I got our voucher for a brand new lap top.! Whooo hooo! Its settlement for our Toshiba that had numerous problems but they sold defective lap tops anyways..and we bought one! HA HA. But Praise the Lord we get a credit voucher for a new one! I am so excited! I am going to customize it..and I hope Jim doesnt steal it from me! Did I mention I am excited! ha ha!

Thats it for now! I will try to update tonight ..maybe even with a picture!

Friday, October 28, 2005


Boy am I so glad! We are still sick, but I have been resting. The girls have a game but Justin is going to go watch them. I am really too sick to be out still, although I have had to go to the store to pick up milk and such.

I slept in till 8am this morning. I haven't done that in a long while. I think the only good thing that is coming from this illness is weightloss! HA! Food just sounds yucky to me. I am drinking water but nothing ever sounds very good.

So far just about everyone has gotten sick. But today Joshua and Joseph are doing better.

MY GOOD NEWS IS......Jim will be home MONDAY! OH I am so glad! He called me last night as I was heading to bed to tell me that for sure monday. I started crying..(mostly because I am sick and so ready for him to be home!)

Jared's birthday was the 26th of this week..but he didnt want to have his birthday until Dad got home..so we are waiting till Monday to celebrate. So be checking for birthday boy pictures! :)

Well I am going to go rest and relax!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My day..or Psycho Queen..your pick

I woke up this morning sicker than I have been..no problem..I'm used to that. I slowly start my day, Jason made breakfast then we slowly started school. I spent most of my morning laying in the recliner with Joshua and Joseph on my lap! Slugged away..then after school and a little cleaning..( MY HOUSE IS SOOO BAD) but I am so tired I am letting it go..Jim wont be home till next week..we can do our stash and dash then.

Next thing I remember is..we have soccer practice and Jessica..the little dear she is..wrote me a shopping list of things we needed..so sweet! She had even planned a menu of hamburgers. Jared's Birthday is tomorrow and she had put stuff on for a cake..but we are going to wait till next week to do our main celebrating. Its just one week and then Dad will be here to join us. Jared wanted to wait so we will.

Anyways, I dropped off Jerrica and Jared to soccer..with Jason and I headed to the commissary and bought a few supplies. I took Joshua with me..Justin stayed home with Joseph, Jessica and Jacob. Really I shouldnt have been out...neither should Joshua..but he is a Momma's boy and said sobbing..I need to go with you to the commissary Momma . So I took him..fever and all. I know I am horrible! But thankfully it was NOT busy and not too many people there. WE just got a few staples and quickly checked out. Joshua was soo cute, he unpacked the cart..ok I handed him everything one at a time and just enjoyed watching him try to be big. He is at that repeat everything you say stage. Like if I said..oh we need to get some milk, he will say..we need milk? I just love it! I love this age!

We got checked out and he was helping me load up the back of the jeep. As we were unloading..Joshua was in front of my cart grabbing bags and putting them in the jeep. I turned and looked and this lady came racing through the parking lot less than a foot from the shopping cart and pulled into a spot diagonally from my jeep. I was so upset because Joshua was RIGHT there and had he gone around to the other side of the cart..she would have hit him. I didnt know what to do...and I didnt want to confront her..YOU NEVER KNOW what they are like these days. So, I drove off..but..then I thought NO you should do something..she was already in the commissary..so I went back and got her license plate # and and called the MP's . I wasnt even sure what they could do but I told them that she was driving unsafe and thankfully nothing happened but it only takes an instant a three year old to suddenly go around a cart..no one should be driving recklessly like that. About a year ago, in one of the housing areas a car hit a 2 year old child going over the speedlimit and that child died. I am sure she had NO idea (because she wasnt looking or being careful) how close she was to my cart or even noticed Joshua standing there. Anyways, I do know that the MP's went and talked to her. I feel almost bad to send Mp's to "get" her and maybe I should have confronted her personally? She was bigger than me though! HA!

I picked up the kids and spent the rest of the night hoping for a nice quiet evening. Well..no that cant happen..I have to have MORE DRAMA. Justin came down stairs a little bit ago and said Mom Tiger is drooling all over. I go upstairs and he was foaming at the mouth. I flipped out..we stuck him in the garage..I am thinking RABIES. So I called JIm and left this horrible psycho panicked message. Called the MP's had everyone with shoes and coats on..ready to go to the hospital and the MP's came over..and was there any foam on Tiger's mouth? NO...and was he acting weird..NOPE. Laid back...meowing. They said to watch him for a few days and keep him quarantined. Well after they left, I went online and read all about rabies..and then my friend Heather and I talked and she said if he eats soap or stuff like that he foams and gags and drools. WEll sure enough where we found him..he was in the bathroom under my sink and had knocked over the comet. I am sooo glad to know Jims cat doesnt have rabies. OH and I deleted the message on his cell phone before he even got it. Other wise he'd probably be 1/2 here by now!

So all that and I am GOING to bed..well after I go look at more cloth diapers!

God is so faithful!

I worked up some nerve to ask a friend I had given all my cloth diapers to. She is sending them back because she doesnt use them as often..she uses prefolds and prefers them! Its funny she mentioned that because I have been running across more and more people who like prefolds.

She is keeping the covers so I will have to buy new but thats ok! I found some adorable diaper covers!
Here is one of them! Isnt that cute!
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I cant wait to get them! God is so good to us!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Diaper Rash

Poor Jojo! We have been battling this rash for almost 2 weeks. It really is convincing me to cloth diaper. Also..I have been reading about the gel stuff they put in diapers and finding out some really disturbing information. Here is one article that I read: The Diaper Drama .

I have also found some really cute diapers and covers from Starbunz Soo cute! I am getting all excited about it again!

More Sickos

Well, Jessica is still running a fever and now Joshua is sick. I feel HORRIBLE today..if I thought I was sick the last 2 days I am much much worse today. We all have body aches. Joseph is bright and cheery. Not everyone is awake so I am not sure who else is sick. Looks like we will be HOME all week. We still have a few kids to go through..(Like 5 )

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Bunch of Sickos

Well only 3 today. I am running a fever and I have body aches like Jerrica did Thursday. I have pretty much slept all day. So much for going to church. I think Jerrica brought it home from soccer because there were several sick on her team and I guess its going around this area.

Well I am going back to bed..just thought some of you who worry about me would like to know where I am!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Busy busy busy is all I have to say

I know I know, I havent updated in almost a week. My week has been really busy..well not exactly. Anyways, first off, I found out I have mono. I have probably had it since January and this is why I am not getting better. My Dr. said mono has a long recovery time..3-6 months or longer depending on if you are getting rest..um...OOPS! Of course that is NOT happening here but hey, its good to know whats wrong with me. She said this is probably why I have been catching everything under the sun. So..orders are to REST. I am not sure if that is literally going to happen..well not till after the begining of Noveber. We still have soccer going on.

Jim was home Thursday for like 17 hours! But of course most of those were sleeping! UGH I think I spen 5 hours with him before he left back to Yuma. But hey..I am glad to get every bit I can get. But I did realize something..that in just the few weeks he has been gone..I am really independant. I am going to have to really watch myself and my attitudes. I dont know how I will be when he gets back. I know I am going to have to really pray about keeping the right heart so when he comes back he can take right over.

Still nothing new about our Funeral arrangements for our Pastor's son. I know its going to take a bit as he is over seas We are still in heart break over all of this.

I havent been online much the last few days..a quick email check here and there. One day I wasnt on at all. I think its my mood, kind of blue. Kind of taking a break.

I have had sick kids all week. I have had several running fevers this week. At least they are not throwing up..PRAISE THE LORD!

Jared had a soccer game yesterday and he wore the right shoes! I was so glad. He did other weird stuff..like cartwheels down the field. And every chance he got he would dive for the ball. I think its the whole point of DIVING. He did really well as goalie and he also scored a goal! Most of the time though he looks like he is day dreaming! Its fun to watch the kids. They have one boy on their team that does a lot of day dreaming..but its so cute to watch! I sure do like little kids!

Since Jim was home..well er, napping that day, It was just me and Jared. We did some crazy backwards walking and spent some time together. I really enjoyed acting crazy with a 5 year old..soon to be 6!

Jessica had a game today but I had all the kids..plus our adopted son..Brandon. OK we didnt really adopt a son..but we might as well. He lives about 5 houses down but seems to be at our house every weekend. Mostly the kids play video games. I dont know why he likes to be here..I think we are slightly boring. I think its all the kids! And he likes my cooking..so says Justin. I even put him to work!

Well that is my update. Tomorrow..well I dont have any plans for tomorrow..just cleaning house and we are actually going to do some science and history tomorrow. We are studying weather..I 2 of my boys' science books and I am doing it together with all the kids. They still have to do their tests, but I am teaching them all at the same time. Its actually a lot of fun. Of course mostly Joshua colors cloud pictures that are raining..but hey..its fun!

Well, I am heading to bed. I stay up way too late anymore. Hmm..and then I wonder why I am always tired??

Sunday, October 16, 2005

We got some devastating news tonight.

We just found out our Pastors Son who is in Iraq was killed today. We are devastated. I just can't begin to express the sorrow we feel for our Pastor and his family. We had intended to visit a new church that is having its first service tomorrow morning. It is a new church starting here in 29 Palms. But with this news, I just want to be there for our Pastor. We love our church family and just feel we need to be there for them. Knowing that Tim was saved and walking with the Lord is a big relief, but we still mourn for him and the loss to this family. Please pray for Pastor Rob Watkins, his wife Terri and their children.

Weekend Update

I meant to update this before now. Yesterday I went to a grand opening of a new store on base..I didnt go for the ceremony but I went later in the day. I bought Jacob new pants and Jared his birthday present..( His birthday is the 26th of this month.)

Today Justin has a friend spending the night. We are hoping to take him to church with us also. He is a good kid and for some reason likes to come hang out here..even when we are cleaning house he comes to visit. I think he likes the big family zaniness?

Also on Friday I was impressed by the marines on our base. You know they really do take care of their own. Yesterday there was a blood drive so they blocked off some roads so I had to drive around the exchange to get into it. On the way there the traffic was really bad because a car had died making a right turn. Well one of the marines in the passenger side had gotten out and was pushing it..well just about 10 marines hopped out of their cars to go help this guy push his car into a parking lot. How many times do we see people in need and no one stops to help them? That just doesnt happen on a military base and that makes me glad I am a wife of a marine.

I have some other news but I dont want to tag it on to this post so I will be posting it next.

I have been thinking about using cloth diapers again. Thanks to a friend who has been thinking herself of getting them. She has really encouraged me to do the same. In her questioning me of my cloth experience she has reminded me of so many reason why I did cloth diapers. I really miss how good a baby feels in cloth. That and the fact Joseph has been breaking out with disposables again and I worry about the chemicals they put in them. I never had the problems with with cloth diapers that I have had from disposables. I saved so much money when I used cloth. I know I would save at least $60 a month in diapers if I used cloth. The sad thing in this is..I had at one time all the diapers and covers I needed..but I gave them away to a friend. Oh well I know sometimes we do things and it blesses them. I know the Lord will bless us with our needs and sometimes our wants.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Jared's Soccer game!

Oh I just love my Jared! He is always a crack up! Today was NO exception! He had a soccer game today..and when we pulled up I had Justin run him to his game..then the rest of us some how straggled behind. When we got to the field they were just warming up. Anyways..I having a newly toddling boy am usually busy running back and forth catching Joseph so I dont always see the game..But hey I 'm there. Their game is 30-35 minutes long and they rotate the players. They only have 3 on the field on each side so its really good for them to learn how to play. Anyway, Jared at this point was called off and I noticed his shoe was untied so I go to tie his shoe and I am thinking man these are not tightening up. I look and he has like 3 inche gap at the toe..so I ask him..are these your shoes..and he goes..No...there Jerrica's I couldnt find mine. I about died! I watched him the whole game and he was falling down although doing an IMPRESSIVE job playing considering he was in shoes that were 4 sizes too big. Jared wears like a 11 and Jerrica's are a size 2. I was laughing. POOR kid! I felt so bad but well I didnt realize I had to make sure they had their OWN shoes on!

I've been calling him BIG FOOT.

I stayed up way too late !

I was up watching dorky chick flicks and I must say it was NOT worth it. I am now up and a total grouch. MY poor children..whats worse I called CAROLYN and spread the joy. I'm stuck now on my stupid corded phone so I cant even get coffee because Carolyn wont let me go. She's forcing me to look at an auction, to which I must be nice and go OOOH and AAAAH. Don't ya just love me. A TRUE friend would have said to me last night when I told that I was staying up watching movies..she would have said NO DONT DO IT JAMIE. You'll be tooo tired. So what do you say Carolyn?

OH MY WORD I AM IN SHOCK. NEWS FLASH I just learned while on the phone EARLY this morning..that CAROLYN steals from her DAUGHTER piggy bank. I am in such shock I cant even think.

I must go...I just can't handle it anymore.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Tammy a fellow friend and blogger tagged me the other day so I decided I would FINALLY reply!

Here are the instructions:
1. Search your blog archive.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence (this is meant to say something about you).
4. Post that sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five people to do the same.

My 23rd Post is :
Wow is all i can say

The 5th sentence is : The problem was, we moved when he was 15 months old and by the time we got off the road from driving he didnt want to use the potty anymore.

What that means??? I dont know??? Your guess is as GOOD as mine!

Who to tag????I don't really know who hasn't been tagged? How about Rina & Heather. Since I dont know who else has been tagged..I guess that is it!

A new link added!

Something I have been wanting to do since a friend told me about it was to listen to the Bible as I read along. She reads 10 pages a day doing this and completes here Bible several times in a year. Well I have been wanting to do it for a while but our Bible Tapes have ended up missing. We are not sure where they ended up. Of course it's only taken um 6 months to think "Gee I wonder if they have it online?" Well guess what..THEY DO! So if you are interested in reading a long with Alexander Scourby here is the link!

Audio Bible

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Can I be any more blessed??

Today has been one of those days that all though it started right ( Bible and prayer) Just sort of went askew! I was glad when we got out of the house today for soccer but I also made up my mind that tomorrow will be a better day , how little did I know how blessed my day would become!

Tonight while we were watching Jerrica's practice, my husband called me to tell me that he is rededicating his life to the LORD! It is a long awaited HOPE! God KNEW I needed to hear that! Jim told me that he was listening to Unshackled! tonight and he wanted us to start listening to it again. We used to listen to it a lot in Okinawa and even when we were here..but not like we did till I had almost forgotten about it.! I am so excited for my husband! I cant wait to see how God works in his life and ours! My cup runneth over!

Weight Loss

You know something I struggle with my weight. YOU can't see it in that picture..thanks to skillfull cropping of the head from my body..but I have a lot of weight to lose. I have lost weight before with exercise..and I have lost with diet..Its hard for me. It is a major sacrifice to lose the weight and sometimes I dont want to put forth the effort. The whole point of this is an observation. Not that I am this super spiritual person..I'm not..but I know people who seem to have an answer to everything..but like me struggle with their weight. I know when I give advice I cant imagine anyone taking my advice seriously when I have such a besetting and OBVIOUS sin problem.

My sin with my weight is no different than any other sin. And because of this I have never felt I could give much Godly advice because one look at me trying to save them from their sinful selves they would think..maybe someone should take her fork away! I know this is kind of a weird ramble and not really meant for anything just kind of rambling on. I wonder too often how many people I have turned away from the Lord because of this sin and how much advice has fallen on deaf ears because if I cant have victory over this how can I encourage others to have victory in anything? So I will be charting my weightloss the next few months..year what ever it takes. I probably wont publish the weight..at least for now..since family reads this and they arent always gracious! ( you know they tell it like it is cause they know you)

My only goals right now are to
1. Walk mile each day.
2. To not overeat.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Trusting the Lord

These last few months have really taught me a lot about trusting God. More over they have shown me how LITTLE I really do trust the Lord. Sometimes I don't see how what God is allowing in my life will even work for good..but he has promised us hasn't he!

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

What always amazes me is how after going through a tough time you can look back and sometimes see how God used it for good! That happened this last week. I understand now why we have been going through the things we have been going through. Maybe the Lord isn't done with us yet? Maybe we have a lot more to go through but you know what I am praising the LORD for the trials he sent our way.

I am thankful for our van giving us fits! I am thankful for the financial issues we have dealt with and the REASON for the issues. Because the answered prayer is worth it!

I am also praising the Lord for all these months of sickness I have gone through. It has been hard because I just feel like I am a complainer and sometimes to think about how sick and how often I have been I feel like I am making it up. (I'm not) I know GOD has a reason for GOOD. EVEN for my sickness. That makes me rejoice because nothing is in vain..it all works for good. Sometimes I can't see past the trials but I can always trust that God has a purpose for good. Are you trusting Jesus through your trials?

Quick update!

Well the LORD is good to me. I went to the dentist today and had a tooth fixed. I am all done until this ONE tooth starts hurting and then they are going to give me a root canal!

I have had some MAJOR answered prayer today! Well I cant say what one is..but just say God has opened eyes where they needed opened! And today I drove my van and the light went off and its running fine. I dont know what to think! But I really think God used a bunch of things to open the eyes of a certain someone I know and LOVE. So it is major answered prayer and I am very happy.

I took the kids to the park today and let them wear themselves out. I even made them all run once around a track, and they couldnt stop! (well they did but I kept saying NO STOPPING) I am sure everyone thinks I am horrible but they were bouncing off the walls today. And I am feeling so sick from this medication. I am going to call tomorrow and talk to my doctor about it.
And I pray tomorrow is a better day! :)

Sunday, October 09, 2005


The auto hobby shop is closed till Wednesday! They are closed this weekend for the holiday. UGH. Jim is going to try and do what he can..but there isnt a lot he can do unless it is open. What fun we are having!

My husband can't get enough of us *GRIN*

Jim surprised me at midnight last night! I was in shock! He came home because he said he just couldnt leave me with out a vehicle running. So he will be busy today fixing it! He is going to see how its running this morning when we head for church..if its not then we wont be going! I feel so much better about heading to Yucca with Jim at the wheel.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

I am going to praise the Lord

Yesterday when I went to take Jessica to her soccer game..my van was shaking horribly..wouldnt accelerate and sounded horrible, so I came home. This afternoon the boys had a soccer game but I didnt take them to their game..their coach did. When the got home Coach Sierra wanted to check out the van so he started it and its running fine. (FIGURES) The service engine light is on , so its something, but its not clunking and sputtering. I'm not sure what to think of that! I think I am going to go ahead and drive it to church tomorrow. And hope and pray we dont get stranded.

Friday ( payday) I am going to take it to the autohobby shop and go ahead and flush the radiator and change the fuel filter and have them hook it up to diagnostics. Probably will also ask advice about the spark plug wires. I may just go ahead and change them out. I dont know what else I can do for this van. I am thinking I might change the transmission fluids too? I dont know.

I just hope it cooperates tomorrow morning so we can make it to church!

Its Saturday..what do you do when you have

no where to go and nothing to do..YOU TAKE A NAP. LOL ok maybe you dont but I was laying sideways in the chair and having Jessica brush my hair and braid it. POOR THING she is sooo sick of brushing my hair..but it puts me right to sleep. LOL Not sure I wanted to be sleeping while the kids were up running around..but they were almost good. I let them use GLITTER GLUE at the table. I am cracking up..yep here you go 3, 5 7 and 9 year olds go use glitter glue. Actually when I got up..it wasnt a huge mess. Joshua did really well.

Justin, Jason and Jacob went to their soccer game. Their coach picked them up. Not sure how we are going to do practice and games next week but thank goodness I dont have to think about that yet.

With our van the way it is right now we will not be going to church tomorrow. I just do not think it would be wise right now to drive it 30 miles with 8 kids. I dont even know if it would make it..and since I dont know what is wrong with it..I think it best not to make it worse. I thought about calling around and seeing if we could catch some rides with others going that way, but some leave and go to the early service and I'm not sure how to find 9 rides. If I had gas in my Jeep I would drive that and just need to find a ride for 4..but we didnt fill up the jeep this time because we thought my van was going to be fine..and with gas as expensive as it is we just dont have the extra to spend. The Lord knows..so I am not worrying about it.

I have decided to file our own private school affidavited this year. We were going to joing a group that goes to Calvary. ( Our church)but there is a new church starting up in 29Palms and we are not sure if we are going to join it or not. Its such a hard decision. But, in a lot of ways this will be better for our family. And it will be closer. If we do join, we will have to file this avidavite when we start our new school, but it would be in the middle of the year. I dont want to do it then as it just brings more undue attention to us. So this seems to be the solution that would be the least stressfull on all parties.

NOW I need to make a name for our school. We used to be Living Water Academy doesnt that sound so spiritual. HA HA. I think maybe we might want to name it more truthfully..like Sluggard Academy or Lazy Bones School of Excellence or how about Kids Complaining Elementry . Ok I am kidding. We some how manage to learn something every year. One thing my kids do know how to do is clean house so at least if they fail to get a good enough education they can at least become janitors.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Goodbye again!

Jim left this morning. The blessing is..he was able to stay home a few more days than we expected! I am very glad about that. Now he is off to Yuma for a month. HE *MIGHT* get to come home next weekend but after that he will be gone continously till they all come back, sometime in November. ONCE we get through this we will have one more training in December for 2 weeks then he will be home till he leaves in Jan/Feb.

Tonight Jessica had to miss her soccer game. She was so sad and cried. I felt so bad but there was nothing I could do. Our van is really giving me fits again. I never heard it so clunky..It seemed to barely make it home. I turned around and drove back after driving down the street. I didnt want to end up stranded with 8 kids. Of course this is really bad timing for us.

My ears are bothering me again. I seem to have an ear infection continually and sinus trouble also. I dont know what it is..maybe its allergies? I just want to be better. Its getting harder and harder to smile through all of this. I know I am trying to draw closer to the Lord through it all. I know its NOTHING compared to what Christ has done for me.

Its times like these that all those songs and hymns of relief come in handy. One I keep singing is Tell it to Jesus.

Verse 1
Are you weary, are you heavy hearted?
Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus
Are you grieving over joys departed?
Tell it to Jesus alone.

Verse 2
Do the tears flow down your cheeks unbidden?
Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus
Have you sins that to men's eyes are hidden?
Tell it to Jesus alone.

Verse 3
Do you fear the gathering clouds of sorrow?
Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus
Are you anxious what shall be tomorrow?
Tell it to Jesus alone.

Verse 4 Are you troubled at the thought of dying?
Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus
For Christ's coming Kingdom are you sighing?
Tell it to Jesus alone.

Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus,
He is a friend that's well known;
You've no other such a friend or brother,
Tell it to Jesus alone

This is one of my favorite songs. I have so many favorites! I also LOVE to hear how these songs were penned. God has been so very good to us. I know we will get through this..he has never failed us although we have failed him so many times.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Weird Dreams

I had a weird dream last night. We have been struggling somewhat with finances..and It must be affecting me because I dreamt about it last night. I dreamt that in my wallet I found 200.00. For some reason I had placed this money in my wallet in January and I just now found it in there. I guess I am need to stop worrying..I did look in my wallet to see if I have forgotten 200.00 in there. It wasnt there.

Today is gonna get crazy

Today is Jims LAST day home for a month. Although Jim said he is gonna TRY to steal away when he can. Like next week is a 72, (72 hours off work) and he said he will try to come home. He is driving out there so he can..(UGH MORE GAS MONEY)

And tonight we are having a Pastor over that is starting a new church out here. So we are going to clean up the house and make it look like PERFECT people live here. HA HA. I do have a lot to do today.

Also..the last 2 days my ears are getting worse. I really thought I was on the verge of getting better but NO I'm getting worse. My sinuses are going bad. I am wondering if the medication I am supposed to be on was really helping. But its soo rough on my system. Its this LONG term psuedafed called Deconamine. I hate taking medications and I was worried about the affect on Joseph.

I also got my referral approved to go to an ENT specialist..the only problem is..Tricare approved it for JIM . I told him I can go and set him up an appointment if he wants. Gotta love it. I havent felt the urge to be on hold with Tricare for 3 hours so I havent called to get it fixed. SO FRUSTRATING!

Well I better get off. I ran out of creamer today so my coffee wasnt as fun as it could have been.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

WEll I went to my cleaning today!

And my dentist wasnt even there! I WAS KIDDING HONEST! I have to go back on Monday..I need fillings! I'm falling apart. So MOnday is keep the nose hairs trimmed day.

I figured up my order today..Its going to be another 300.00 for curriculum. UHG. I will probably get it next payday. I am going to start selling on Ebay again to help pad my curriculum fund.

Jim is trying to unclog our toilet. YES the toilet that Jason got stuck in..It just has never seemed to work right..so we just locked the down stairs..but he wants to get it done before he leaves Friday.

That and we have people coming over tomorrow! You know we got to impress them HAHA!

Well I am going to go..JIm is needing help and my kids are needing to go to bed!

Going to the Dentist....

For some reason when I typed that the song "Going to the Chapel and I'm gonna get married." Came to mind..HA HA dont we all wish the dentist was a fun place to go. The truth is..even with all my dental work, I still like going. Maybe because my dentist is sooo hot. I AM soooooo KIDDING! LOLOLOL And I am sure I look really good to him..as he looks up my nose at my nose hairs.

The reason I like going to the dentist? HEY I DONT KNOW? I think it was when I was little they would give you that laughing gas and then give you some dumb animal eraser. For some reason that made it all worth while. When I was 14 and they stopped giving me cute things I was a little disappointed. I mean..everyone else got their eraser. I suffered..I needed an eraser too. I think thats when I first realized I was in love with office supplies. Put me in a store with pencils, pens and erasers and I can go crazy. Stickers, crayons and small cute notebooks. *SIGH*

Anyway, today is just a cleaning and possibly something other. I tell you my mouth is falling apart. It used to really upset me the fact that someday I will probably have dentures. I remember the day I realized it. I cried and cried. I'm fine now though. Although all I do now is notice people's teeth. I look at them and wonder..are they real? If they have food on them..I wonder well first when they brushed last and what they were eating? Ok I am not that pathetic. YOU probably thought I was serious. Well I better get off here and get my shower. MY hair is gross and nasty. You know black hair shows dandruff really well! LOL

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I have had one of those days!

Well aside from the fact I am having curriculum melt down. Its that time of year when I want to scrap everything and change curriculums. We have been plugging away on our books (Since we switched curriculums at the end of Feb) YES it is a sickness I must admit it. BUT I decided to use some stuff I already have that is more along the lines of self teaching. I havent fully gave myself over to the idea as I am still debating my decision. I did go to my husband and say..will you still love me if I throw more money at our curriculum. Seeing's that is really the only thing I do spend money on..unlike some people who have this motorcycle addiction..ahem.. I don't figure he will complain. He said..what ever makes you happy! LOL I did tell him becareful saying stuff like that you just never know the mood it will find me!

I just did something zany

Zany for me that is. Jim just called me. He has been doing Soccer Insanity the last 2 days. (WHOOO HOOO) Anyway, he wanted me to pickup Joshua and Justin. Well, I left and didnt wear my shoes or bring my purse. LET ME TELL YOU....I felt like such a lawbreaker! I cant believe I am confessing this! Its not like it was 30 miles or anything it was less than 4. Now don't go telling on me!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Wow I just read my blog

And I am laughing at my ramblings and weird train of thought. Wow can you tell the kids have sapped the brains right out of my head. I dont have any plans tomorrow other than SCHOOL. Tomorrow I am going to do something different. I am going to have the kids take notes while I read to them science texts. I am planning on droning on and on till they fall asleep. THEN I am planning to make my break and head to the store and gorge on chocolate! OK not really..well the chocolate and the sleep part. But I am going to try some different things to see if we actually learn something tomorrow. I'll let you know how it went.

Did you miss me?

OH I have tried to update this blog 3 times but for some reason my computer starts flipping out. I had a busy weekend but it was nice. We had a neighbor kid come and spend the night. It had cooled off on Friday so it was one of those nice days when you didnt really need the A/C running. Jim got a lot of work done on his truck..new tires and such

Saturday we just had the kids soccer game and Jim and I went grocery shopping with all the kids. That was actually fun!

Sunday Jim made breakfast with Jessica. That was nice since I hate to cook breakfast in the morning.

What else? Sunday I took a NAP. I haven't had a nap in a LONG LONG TIME. I actually slept from 1:30 to 6pm. Actually we all were napping except for a few kids who were up and being quiet!

Anyways, Today was just a normal monday. School, house and such. I organized some toys and cleaned and washed laundry. I had way too many phone calls today ( and made too many) And Jim came home for lunch..that was different! Of course I think I had gotten used to doing my own thing during the week.

JIm found out today he doesnt have to go to Yuma till FRIDAY! I am so glad! I needed a normal week so that means he will only be gone for 3 weeks! YEAH!

Well hubby is home from picking the kids up from Soccer Insanity. I didn't have to do it today! YEAH!