weight loss weblog

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Weekend Update

I meant to update this before now. Yesterday I went to a grand opening of a new store on base..I didnt go for the ceremony but I went later in the day. I bought Jacob new pants and Jared his birthday present..( His birthday is the 26th of this month.)

Today Justin has a friend spending the night. We are hoping to take him to church with us also. He is a good kid and for some reason likes to come hang out here..even when we are cleaning house he comes to visit. I think he likes the big family zaniness?

Also on Friday I was impressed by the marines on our base. You know they really do take care of their own. Yesterday there was a blood drive so they blocked off some roads so I had to drive around the exchange to get into it. On the way there the traffic was really bad because a car had died making a right turn. Well one of the marines in the passenger side had gotten out and was pushing it..well just about 10 marines hopped out of their cars to go help this guy push his car into a parking lot. How many times do we see people in need and no one stops to help them? That just doesnt happen on a military base and that makes me glad I am a wife of a marine.

I have some other news but I dont want to tag it on to this post so I will be posting it next.

I have been thinking about using cloth diapers again. Thanks to a friend who has been thinking herself of getting them. She has really encouraged me to do the same. In her questioning me of my cloth experience she has reminded me of so many reason why I did cloth diapers. I really miss how good a baby feels in cloth. That and the fact Joseph has been breaking out with disposables again and I worry about the chemicals they put in them. I never had the problems with with cloth diapers that I have had from disposables. I saved so much money when I used cloth. I know I would save at least $60 a month in diapers if I used cloth. The sad thing in this is..I had at one time all the diapers and covers I needed..but I gave them away to a friend. Oh well I know sometimes we do things and it blesses them. I know the Lord will bless us with our needs and sometimes our wants.


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