weight loss weblog

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Going to the Dentist....

For some reason when I typed that the song "Going to the Chapel and I'm gonna get married." Came to mind..HA HA dont we all wish the dentist was a fun place to go. The truth is..even with all my dental work, I still like going. Maybe because my dentist is sooo hot. I AM soooooo KIDDING! LOLOLOL And I am sure I look really good to him..as he looks up my nose at my nose hairs.

The reason I like going to the dentist? HEY I DONT KNOW? I think it was when I was little they would give you that laughing gas and then give you some dumb animal eraser. For some reason that made it all worth while. When I was 14 and they stopped giving me cute things I was a little disappointed. I mean..everyone else got their eraser. I suffered..I needed an eraser too. I think thats when I first realized I was in love with office supplies. Put me in a store with pencils, pens and erasers and I can go crazy. Stickers, crayons and small cute notebooks. *SIGH*

Anyway, today is just a cleaning and possibly something other. I tell you my mouth is falling apart. It used to really upset me the fact that someday I will probably have dentures. I remember the day I realized it. I cried and cried. I'm fine now though. Although all I do now is notice people's teeth. I look at them and wonder..are they real? If they have food on them..I wonder well first when they brushed last and what they were eating? Ok I am not that pathetic. YOU probably thought I was serious. Well I better get off here and get my shower. MY hair is gross and nasty. You know black hair shows dandruff really well! LOL


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