weight loss weblog

Thursday, September 29, 2005


I wasnt going to blog this till tomorrow..but since tomorrow will probably be crazy too I figured I just better do it now. I know someone will be bugging me tomorrow for details! We woke up this morning at 4 am. And me being that organized and on the ball woman that I am..we just jumped right up..got dressed ate our home cooked meal and hopped in the van and left. OK yeah right..keep on dreaming! Actually..I did get Jessica, Jerrica, Jared, and Joshua's clothes ready last night. I cleaned the girls room so I could FIND their stuff and then went down stairs and washed 4 loads of laundry last night to make sure EVERYONE had something to wear. I picked out Joshua's and Jared's outfits. Joshua has this new Finding Nemo 3 piece outfit. If you didnt know this..Joshua LOVED 3 pieced outfits. He has a favorite one..its a long sleeve Buzz Lightyear shirt, pants and vest and I am all the time having to wash that ..he wears that almost daily. Its starting to get to the point it doesnt look good but Joshua loves it. Well NOW he has a Nemo suit. Its so cute.. BRIGHT BLUE and YELLOW. And it about KILLED him to have me fold it up and set it on my book shelf. He wanted to wear it to bed! WEll while I was cleaning the girls room I see him skipping happily past the door IN HIS NEMO OUTFIT! I almost lost a gear! And Jim's going Jamie Jamie..he's ONLY 3. Of course I think I scared Joshua because he had that outfit off and back on the shelf in 10 seconds flat.

So when I got up this morning...and oh how soon it came I might add..I did the usual..stumbled down the stairs and made coffee. Then I went and looked for Joseph's outfit. I actually found one. We left him sleeping and put him in the van in pj's till after we got there. I one by one made sure they were dressed and had socks and shoes on. Then I did the girls hair, and then got myself ready. Well the straglers..I wont mention their names..JUSTIN some how ended up in the van in a sloppy tshirt. I about died! Of course I didnt notice till MUCH MUCH LATER after we were actually in Pendleton.

Ok the highligts of our morning..Joseph PUKED in the van..it wasnt much but still..and JARED about 10 minutes from Jim's barracks started saying..I have to go potty..I have to go..I have to go. All this time we are thinking he just had to pee or something..but OH NO he had an emergency and we didnt realize till it was too late and he had an accident. So here we are..JIm has to get out..and I am driving hoping to find something the 24 hour exchange (circle K but with miltary stuff and clothes go figure but hey its handy sometimes) NOTHING in his size..so we head to burger king..( the rest had to eat) and I wisked Jared to the bathroom trying to rinse out some of his clothes. Threw away some under garments. POOR kid. I felt so bad and boy I wish he could have made it or told us sooner. Across the parking lot from Burger King was a small PX (bigger than a 24 hour one) and it had clothes. BUT it wasnt open till 9:30...and it was 8:00 and Jim's Graduation was at 10:00. Well we drove back to pick up Jim and tell him we were going to try and wait for it to open. A SMART ME would have left some of the kids with Jim (HA HA ) but oh no that would be tooooo easy..I took them all and by the time we got back there we still had 30 minutes to wait. So I got out and waited with Joshua..( who said in his cute 3 year old voice.."mom, can I go with you?" BIG MISTAKE..because as we were waiting and it was just Joshua..that was fine..but then I went back to the van and told the girls they could come with me..so we waited 4 More minutes and I guess my standing there was driving them crazy because they let me in 6 minutes early! WHOOOOO HOOOO! Well I was wandering around and finally found the young childrens clothes..which was RIGHT NEXT TO THE TOY SECTION! THOSE EVIL STORE PLANNERS!

It wasnt even JOSHUA who kept looking at stuff..I'm trying to Rush and find something for Jared to wear..and the girls are wandering off..chasing Joshua..looking at this. I go and pay..(way too much for an outfit I must say and under garments) WEll after dragging them out of there..ok they werent really bad but because I was stressed they could have sneezed and I would have flipped out. We DRIVE back to where Jim was and of course there was NO parking..well NO parking I felt like trying to put a 15 passenger van in. I probably could have ..but there were cars coming left and right and I was stressed and the whole idea of spending 15 minutes trying to get that thing in a spot was just too much so I drove to the other side of the lot and parked on this back street. I think we were as far away as you could possibly get..not that I cant use some exercise..but need I remind you we were LATE! AND YES I took my sick kids. They seem fine the rest of the day..who knows what it was! I guess I should feel bad for taking them in but I dont.

When we finally walked into the auditorium it was PACKED to the gills. There was NO WHERE TO sit..well they had some open places, 2 or 3 spots..not the 7 that we needed. Well then I spotted some empty seats some where else..( they had some places reserved) and I didnt realize it but we go and sit in this reserved spot. I wanted to cry when they were saying..no you cant sit there..but this guy goes..just leave this area open..so we were fine.. The whole time I am thinking OH man Jim is going to be so embarrassed..because a few years ago we did something similar and Jim was horrified! But He was so funny..Here I was so upset and thinking I really embarrassed him..and he goes.."oh Jamie..no one cares you were fine. And if anyone really cared they can just get over it. " WHEW relief. I guess I shouldnt worry so much.

Our way home was a little less eventful. We did get lost in riverside trying to find a business..but we made it home and of course had Soccer INSANITY again. 3 games tonight. Jared's team won, Jessica's lost, Jerrica's won. NOW off to bed as I dont think my brain is functioning anymore!


Blogger Heather said...

Sorry Jamie, that sounds like a day that would happen to me. I am praying for blessings for your tomorrow....my today :)

September 30, 2005 3:16 AM  
Blogger Tammy said...

Wow Jamie, what a day!

September 30, 2005 5:02 AM  

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