My turkey is in the OVEN! Stuffed and ready to go. Jim who got up to help me (snicker snicker) was so worn out from NOT helping me that he is now taking a nap. LOL I am planning myself to go lay back down. I didnt sleep good. Joseph was running a bit of a fever and Joshua's ear hurts. We are probably going to cancel with Pastor Anderson..(his family was coming over for pie this evening) but we will still have Marines over. I figure they are healthy we can get them sick!
I still have some things to make before we eat but I am going to put it off as LONG as possible. I figure I will make the rolls around 9 and that will give them plenty of time to rise. Most of everything else I am making just before we eat. Salad, heat up corn, heat up beans, make gravey ..add water to instant potatoes! LOL ( I think they taste better! LOL)
I am trying to time it so when Jim gets back with the marines he finds straggling around in the barracks we can eat right away.
Some things I am thankful for.
My Salvation. I am so thankful that Jesus died for my sins in my place.
My family, God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and 8 children.
I'm thankful we have a place to live and plenty of STUFF filling our life.
I'm thankful for my children even the onery ones. Because through them I am learning to be a better mother.
I am thankful for living way out here in the boonies of 29Palms, because I know its right where God would have us to be.
I am thankful that God provides for our every need.
I am thankful I was born in this time because I really like my oven, dishwasher, car, appliances and indoor plumbing. LOL
I am also thankful for friends that I have met in the Lord. It is a blessing to know that although our distances may be far I will always be with them in eternity! That blesses my heart!
Well there are so many things I could list but here is whats at the top. :)
I hope you all have a wonderful day reflecting on how God has blessed you!