weight loss weblog

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

If you noticed..my weight loss ticker has NOT moved.

Sigh LOL well I am just glad I have stayed the same! No gain! So thats not bad right??

I am working on at it well sort of. No real diet just working on not overeating. Jim leaves tomorrow for 2 weeks so I will probably lose weight while he is gone. I forget to eat when he isnt here!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Recently on a message board I am on there was a slight difference of opinion about how to handle fear in your child. I had mentioned maybe not so eloquently LOL but I had mentioned that we Biblically correct our children when fear gets out of hand..ie it becomes a way to bring attention to either control the parents actions or get their way.
I recently found an article that really expresses the way I think. I do realize FEAR is a natural part of life but just as we need to teach our children boundaries and good citizenship we need to teach them that there is NOTHING to fear. Article on Fear

Isaiah 41:10 "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. "

I am just tooo busy!

I was hoping to keep up with this blog but I guess I am just a little busy. Mostly cleaning and homeschooling. Right now Jason is learning the percent increase and decrease of fractions and decimals! UGH but we are muddling through it slowly. Of course we are still muddling through Algebra with Justin. The only bonus I can say is..I am getting REALLY REALLY SMART! ha ha!

Today in science..well not really part of a lesson but today we found a dead spiders body..well we kind of know when he died cause the kids killed him the other day and anyways..we learned that if you squeeze a part of his leg that he will still move his legs! It was really funny and sick at the same time. I do have pictures but I have to pull them off my camera later. We had those legs going. Were going to show Jim tonight I am sure he will get a kick out of that!

So spiders and math..thats were I have been.

Thursday, November 24, 2005


My turkey is in the OVEN! Stuffed and ready to go. Jim who got up to help me (snicker snicker) was so worn out from NOT helping me that he is now taking a nap. LOL I am planning myself to go lay back down. I didnt sleep good. Joseph was running a bit of a fever and Joshua's ear hurts. We are probably going to cancel with Pastor Anderson..(his family was coming over for pie this evening) but we will still have Marines over. I figure they are healthy we can get them sick!
I still have some things to make before we eat but I am going to put it off as LONG as possible. I figure I will make the rolls around 9 and that will give them plenty of time to rise. Most of everything else I am making just before we eat. Salad, heat up corn, heat up beans, make gravey ..add water to instant potatoes! LOL ( I think they taste better! LOL)
I am trying to time it so when Jim gets back with the marines he finds straggling around in the barracks we can eat right away.

Some things I am thankful for.

My Salvation. I am so thankful that Jesus died for my sins in my place.
My family, God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and 8 children.
I'm thankful we have a place to live and plenty of STUFF filling our life.
I'm thankful for my children even the onery ones. Because through them I am learning to be a better mother.
I am thankful for living way out here in the boonies of 29Palms, because I know its right where God would have us to be.
I am thankful that God provides for our every need.
I am thankful I was born in this time because I really like my oven, dishwasher, car, appliances and indoor plumbing. LOL
I am also thankful for friends that I have met in the Lord. It is a blessing to know that although our distances may be far I will always be with them in eternity! That blesses my heart!

Well there are so many things I could list but here is whats at the top. :)

I hope you all have a wonderful day reflecting on how God has blessed you!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Mostly Over the flu! Praise God!

Today we are CLEANING!

Want to come over??? I am not stressing out well too much. We are having a fairly simple Thanksgiving. My dear friend Mrs Smith she went out of her way and made me pies! Wasnt that sweet of her! I actually a LOT of pies! Jim is inviting Marines over and she must have known cause she brought me so many!

Our Menu for tomorrow:
Turkey and stuffing
Potatoes & Gravy
Steamed green beans, Corn
Green Salad
Jamie's SPECIAL dinner rolls
Fruit Fluff
Cranberry sauce

And then PIES
I have Pecan, Apple, Cherry, Peach, Berry, Pumpkin

Yes I omitted the traditional Yams..and Greenbean casserole.

I might go changing my mind and making more..but thats what were having so far. I sure wish we could have family down. *hint hint* Maybe next year.

Jim has the rest of the day off so we are going to finish cleaning..(its almost done) and then play a multiplayer shootem up game. Just a friendly game of gun tag.
Justin is working..and doing so well! I am hearing GOOD reports on what a hard worker and what a NICE boy he is. That blesses my heart! :)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Staying home from church

Last night I was up all night throwing up! YUCKY. I totally blame Justin for this because he was sick last week and then gave it to Jerrica and now I have it. I dont think anyone else has had it. Actually , I believe Justin got it from church last week from the Henderson boys. They were sick with the stomach flu for several days.

So I have to stay home. So of course Joseph will be staying home with me. I hope he doesnt get sick.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I cant believe I forgot this!

And Jim said I can blog this..so I am still obeying! TODAY I was calling in the kids from outside and after they went in I kept hearing this thumping wierd sound. Well I look and on the light fixture on our back porch was a wire hanger and a magnet. ( We had set them there a while back) Well the light was on and while that light was on..it the wire hanger was flipping out. I guess its been doing that a LONG time cause that wire has been there a LONG time! Of course it scared me to death and I didnt say a WORD but turned off the light.

Well Jim came home and I showed him and of course he was doing experiments with it..bending the wire..( after turning it off) I dont know if it has a current but it had something to do with that magnet there. I tell you I almost had a heart attack. If you dont know me..I kind of flip out over dangerous stuff.

Like I have this HORRIBLE fear of our garbage compactor. We have one and I hate that thing. I cant explain it but it just scared me. I wont use it and sometimes I flip out if the kids use it. Jim LOVES It and I know I am not submissive about it..but I will say stuff like I hate it..just because I am terrified of it. Right now it needs to be cleaned out so its on the back porch unplugged. THANK THE LORD.

I have honestly tried and tried to get over my fear. Kind of like how I forced myself to get over the fear of the garbage disposal. I would NEVER reach my hand in there to get stuff out. I would always make Jim do it..but he will just run that thing..ruining whats in there till it either goes through or stops the motor..Usually the later and I would have to call maintance to come in..or worse I would have to reach my hand in there and fish it all out. Well, its taken years but a few years ago I got over my fear. Ok no one is allowed in the kitchen when I am cleaning it out..oh and I flip out a little if anyone even looks at the on switch.

Yes I am a little high strung about dangerous stuff.

Sometimes I don't like to obey Jim.

There I said it! But I sure try to!

The last couple of weeks Jim has been telling me..well..kind of telling, asking, discussing..Justin our oldest son. Jim wants Justin to get a job as a bagger at our commissary. Well, I am really hesitant and havent really given a yeah or nay..and because of this we both havent made any final decision on this.
Well the LORD convicted me that I am really not submitting to Jim in this area. Jim is the type that will do what I want..for the most part to keep the peace. He surprises you now and then but on somethings he will not rock the boat . Anyways, I know what Jim wants and still with all my concerns..he has still wanted Justin to work there. Today I thought about it and thought..well that is really the bottom line..I have said my peace to him and he still wants Justin to work there. So...

This afternoon I went to the commissary and asked them about Justin applying. The head bagger gave me an application for Justin and said.."well we really aren't hiring right now but I will keep this and let you know". Just then she asked me what hours he could work and I said, "well since we are homeschooling we could adjust his hours for pretty much any time". And she said" really? Well then that case..I need someone for morning hours to start right away!" So Justin will be training on Friday at 10am. He will only be working for tips, but we know some teens who worked there and made a lot of money this summer. Although it's NOT about the money.
Its almost like the Lord planned it.

Well Jim just said BEDTIME! I better get! Practicing this obedience!

Why NEVER to email before coffee.

This morning I received an email from a work at home mom about a 5% discount on her online shop. She knew I was looking for a certain diaper through a diaper board we are both on and let me know she would give me a discount. I was pretty please ( plus free shipping whooo hoo) So I went to reply to her. SOME HOW when I hit reply, instead of going to her, it went to someone who JUST won an auction on ebay for a USED Nintendo Gamecube game I was selling.
This is what I emailed him:

Your Awesome! Ok I will be ordering this morning thanks! I am finding its not much savings with used..for a few more dollars I can get new! I have actually looked over your site during the diaper hunt! :)

I dont even know HOW I discovered that I emailed the wrong person! But I DID and talk about mortified! Probably scratching his head thinking what in the world.

Next time coffee then replies!

Sunday, November 13, 2005


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We just added EXCITEMENT to our home! YES in the form of an airfreshener. How you say? Recently we purchased this Airwick Automatic AirFreshener, that we placedup high on the wall between our kitchen and dining room. Although I realize it won't get me, every time I pass through there I hurry quickly so I wont get sprayed. No I dont have normal fears.. I'm just afraid of my airfreshener.

I guess its a good investment, it has brought more excitement to my life! I just not sure if I really needed any more? Last night we stood there and watched it spray every 9 minutes. Yes you too can live on the edge of excitement! But HEY its smells good too.

One of our air fresheners is placed opposite of our commode in our downstairs bathroom. It is kind of unnerving to sit there and see that thing pointing at you. Hmmm. maybe this will get the kids out of the bathroom sooner??? OK probably not! My kids would probably hold paper airplanes up to it and see how far the airplane will go with the spray. And probably convince one of their siblings to look at it..I'll pay you a dollar. Oh yes I can tell these things are going to be very exciting.

I think everyone should get one of these. If not to waft an aroma filled cloud in your home then at least to provide entertainment or keep doctors in business.

Well I must go..Its been 6 minutes and in 3 that sprayer is going to go off..I must watch sprayer...Must ...Watch....Sprayer..................

Saturday, November 12, 2005

I am spoiled!

My hubby has completely reorganized my kitchen! He went through every cupboard and organized! It is so much better than it was! He even organized my pantry! The only drawback is..now i cant find anything but it looks super! I even have an empty cabinet now!

He also made me organize my laundry rooom! I didnt even complain I just went and did it! and then he moved a bunch of stuff around! My whole down stairs is redone and looks so great! I am way spoiled and I know it! Today when he wakes up we will be cleaning his garage. So I will be pretty busy the rest of this day!

Friday, November 11, 2005

My week has been so nice!

It has been so nice to have Jim home! It was sort of an adjustment at first, but after he laid down the law! LOL things ran pretty smooth. One thing my awesom hubby did for me was he "spring" cleaned my house! I had gone to the post office Wednesday and Jim had all those kids reorganizing my kitchen. I dont know where anything is now..but it looks GREAT and he even freed up a cupboard!

Today he did our laundry room and we went through some junk..papers and stuff I didn't know what to do with so my laundry room looks awesome! He also moved some book shelves..he move computers around..It doesne feel so much like a cave any more in here..it looks really nice.

Really the only thing I have mostly done is keep up with laundry! I do need to tackle my bedroom..but probably this coming week.

Jim had us visit the new church in 29 Palms. Its nice..but I keep thinking about Calvary. It was a good idea though because gas is just so expensive! Its wierd because I think Jim feels at home in this church. For me..hmm..I miss everyone at Calvary. I miss our Pastors preaching. I am sure in time I will feel more at home in this church..although we havent made a decision either way and I am not making the decision at all. I will just follow where Jim wants to be.

We now think of in terms of how much it would cost to drive and buy it. I tell you my shopping has totally changed. There were things I recently ordered plastic buckets online that I could drive 15 minutes off base and pick up..but it would cost me at least 6.00 in gas and the buckets were about the same price at both places..(although online I could get them different colors for .85 cents more) so..I ordered online. It made more sense to me to spend the money in shipping instead of me driving around trying to find the items and of course bringing the kids with me and the time it was going to take to make a trip out there to get them...so I bought online. I ended up only paying 2 dollars more than I would had driven there, but I feel its worth it cause I got the buckets in red and blue..to match my gamma seal lids I ordered last week..for a LOT less than I would have been able to get them. The nearest store for those was an hour away..( way more than 20 in gas! LOL) and they were 9.99 at the store..and only in white. I paid 7.00 and way less than 20 in shipping..and I didnt have to leave my house!

Also this week..I had to go back to the dentist to have the tooth he just filled get a root canal. My filing had fallen out in October so my dentist fixed it..but since then it was sort of sensitive to cold..till finally even if I ate something mildly hot I almost died from the pain. So its fixed but would you know it...the tooth they have been watching..which will need a root canal very soon..has been acting funny..not painful..but it has cold sensitivity. I guess I just like going to the dentist!

Well I am heading to bed. I have actually gone to bed quite early this week..well for me anyways! Although tonight I am going way late!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My first wash cloth!

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I made this cotton wash cloth as a wipe for Joseph and as a refresher sample of crocheting.  NOW I am going to jump in to making Joseph some crocheted longies!   Its so funny all my kids are crocheting now! I taught Jessica all the stitches and some just one or 2..and some are still working on the chain but hey..they are learning and they like it!   I'll try to get a picture tonight of them all crocheting..if the newness hasnt worn off by then! ha ha!

9 years later.......

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Well here is the blanket I started around the time Jessica was born.  YEP its taken me 9 years to make it..but hey its done..OK  to be fair..I lost the pattern well um it got destroyed when we moved and I had hopped I would find the pattern when we got back to the states.  So instead of trying to remember HOW to do this..I pulled out one row and tied it off.  It feels good to be DONE actually!  even if it was 9 years late.  :)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Jared turned 6!

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Well here is our Birthday Boy!   He turned 6 on the 26th of October however, since Daddy was coming home a week later we waited till Jim was home for his party!  Its hard to believe 6 years ago he was still in the hospital asking for coffee when he was 2 days old!  He has grown so much!  He is like most boys..busy but he is also a lot of fun.  He is reading this year and doing well with it.   We are glad Jared is our 6th child!


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Wool Longies came in the mail yesterday!  Aren't they cute??  I just love them!  I need to lanolize them so they are waterproof.  But he looks so cute in them!  He fell asleep right after we got them on him so no standing up looking cute pictures.   Tomorrow he will be wearing his "duckie" diaper that my friend carolyn bought for him ( me ).   So I will try to get a picture of that!


Thursday, November 03, 2005

Have you missed me?

Its been a busy busy week. We had that funeral/memorial for Timothy Watkins on Tuesday. It was very sad. There was a HUGE turn out! Our Pastor some how preached the ceremony! Amazing!

Jim came home Tuesday night..he wasnt able to make it to the funeral. I am so glad he is home! I certainly missed him.

Wednesday we celebrated Jared's 6th birthday (a week late). His birthday is October 26th. Because Jim was gone for it, we decided we would wait till Jim got home.

I got my hair cut today. I like it. So far.

Well I am falling asleep typing this so I am going to head to bed.