weight loss weblog

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

These Early Morning Happy People

GRRR Evil happy people at 5:00 am. I know its 6 something right now..but I had to endure the "snooze" for 1 hour. I HATE SNOOZE ALARMS. It just bugs me to no end when someone I know will hit the snooze for an hour. What's worse is, HE MAKES ME DO IT. He will push me..cause the alarm clock is on my side of the bed. (what's up with that????) and say.."It's your turn" my turn?? MY TURN. I so could go on and on. Out of an hour of alarms he might um get up and do what 2? And whats worse is you have to hit this little tiny obscure button. If you hit the wrong one this loud annoying blast of radio and static blares out at you. Its so much worse than the alarm. So you have to hit it just right. I'll ya what I am going to hit.
I just was too tired to really function this morning and think coherently, but me in my worst will after 3 or 4 hits say to him while holding the alarm clock. "IF YOU DON'T GET UP I AM GOING TO THROW THIS ALARM CLOCK ACROSS THE ROOM AND DESTROY IT". He usually wakes up.
Of course right now I am hearing this ultra cheerful person saying to all the kids "wakey wakey eggs and bakey." I am sooo not feeling the love here. Man I kind of wish I was a morning person then I could say really irritating stuff early in the morning a just be smiling about it too.
I told you I'm not a morning person.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie, You are hilarious! I LOVE mornings, so I'm really laughing at your misery.

January 17, 2006 10:51 AM  

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