weight loss weblog

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Today I was reading a friends blog and one of her posts struck a chord. It was talking about authenticity. What really spoke to me was this part.

I have often heard it said that the easiest place to be spiritual is in the pulpit. That may be true, but on the flip side, my home is the toughest place for me to be spiritual. It is where the kids drive me crazy, where my attitude can run unchecked, where I can hid my "pet" sins, and where God really wants me to be a man after His own heart. It is the hardest place, and the most important place for my faith to be exposed to my wife, my kids and my guests. "

How true that is! I know its so much easier for me to lash out at my children because they are driving me crazy but I would never do so with others. And what a shame because who needs to see me in the best light but my children? That is another thing that I have been working on this year. Not yelling at my children. OH did I just confess that? My husband rarely raises his voice. He is pretty laid back..me I seem to run on stress and some days YES I do yell at my children and some days its not just once or twice.

Years ago I know I had it under control, you want to know what I did? I confessed my sins to my children each time and asked them to forgive me and then prayed to God to forgive me. You know..you start to stop doing those things that are wrong when you have to do that every time.

But then..one time I justified my yelling, my anger in my heart. All it takes is ONE TIME to tell yourself "well if they weren't doing that..then I wouldn't have don this.". But in truth there is never ever a good time to do wrong. That's what I tell my children, and I bet they think yeah right mom look at you? More and more I noticed that over time didn't ask them to forgive me and more and more I noticed that instead of keeping things in check, I had allowed and excused my sin. I seemed to do well on my own for a long while, but when I allow even a tiny bit of sin in my life..I run with it. Sure I tried to keep it under control in my own strength, but how can I with out God's help.

Anyways, last year was a year of trial to our family in so many ways. This year is going to be even hearder. I am striving to just do right no matter what. We have a long year ahead of us with Jim leaving for Iraq for 7 months. My children don't need "Old Yellar" in their home. They need a loving yet firm Mother.

And one thing I will say..and will say over and over again, when I am keeping myself under control, you can bet I am in the Word of God. It definitelyely has the power to change man!

So please my friends and my family, hold me accountable that I may be authentic and be the same to all no matter who it is. That I esteem my family above others and not the other way around. And that is where it really boils down. I dont always feel I have to be on my best behavior. With family I sometimes feel I can slack off..but who more should see our good works than our family?


Blogger Jamie said...

I did Gian I was writing really about you! NOT! And scary! Yeah I was spying on you!

January 14, 2006 10:19 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Soooo good and true!! This was a refreshing and good nudge to keep up the good fight! We are all in this together aren't we...as mothers :) Love and prayers to you-heather

January 14, 2006 7:31 PM  

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