weight loss weblog

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Did I mention I sang a special today?

I sang one 2 weeks ago..right before Jim left and it was horrible. I woke up that morning with sore throat. Well wouldnt you know..I woke up again today with another cruddy voice thing going on. But I sang better than last time. (It was the Lord) I think it also helped that it wasnt as high of a song but I was kind of disappointed because I sure would LIKE to sing NICELY at least not with this weird voice thing going on. The only reason I can think of for why I keep getting sick is..that my friend Dawn was supposed to sing with me both times and both times she has been sick..and both times I have been sick. (But not as bad) So..maybe its her fault? LOL Sounds good to me.

The Lord knows and I figure if he wants a song sung with a scratchy voice then that is fine for me. I am not singing to win any medals. I am just glad he allowed me to sing at all! Did I ever mention I love to sing? I used to sing a lot more at least during the day.

Honestly last time when I messed up and my voice was soo bad I wanted to cry and never ever sing again..but then I hung around for the scheduling there I go volunteering! I guess its also because I sure could use some practice and it being a small church..that rotation comes around pretty fast. It gives them something to pray about....We need to pray for Jamie's voice..cause I don't think I can stand to hear it again.
LOL OH wait what if they pray I get laryngitis? Now that would be a lovely sound! I would be singing way low then! HA! Well they better get to praying..cause the girls and I are singing on Thursday. Speaking of LOW

You know I had to laugh tonight. I love it when the men sing..and tonight Bro. Ross and Pastor Anderson sang Victory in Jesus. Not that their singing was funny, It was GREAT..but It struck me funny how differently men and women sing. I mean women usually pick these beautiful, lovely, graceful songs, MEN however seem to pick these rugged charging songs. Thinking about the differences in selections from this morning to this evening made me laugh!

Also tonight our pastor announced the "sick" rules for our church..because we have been hit pretty hard with illness..and not once , not twice but over and over. As he was reading the "rules" I sat there invisioning antibacterial gel dispensers at the entry way to our church with ushers standing gaurd making sure you cleanse before entering. It probably isnt a bad idea though!

OH and we got our phone call from Jim tonight! Poor Joshua wouldn't talk to Daddy. So we held it to his head so Jim could talk to him..well he wouldnt say anything, but after we took the phone away he cried saying he didn't want to talk to Daddy. Poor guy..he is having a hard time. I felt so bad for Jim though.
Jacob is neat though..he sent Jim a tic tack toe game. Jim has to play and then send it back. What a cool idea. I was impressed. ( It made me cry) So the were talking about that tonight.

Of course he talked about flying with Justin. I didn't talk to him much..but I have email :)

Time to count the sheep! Have a good night!


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