weight loss weblog

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm Awake!

I know its 8am here and Jim woke me up when he came home and so lovingly made me coffee. I feel like such a slacker! But I was up till 1am. And I am tired! And here I sit on my new furniture blogging to you! LIFE FROM THE COUCH should be the name of my blog! ha ha!

Tara..Heathers cat Snowbell, is so happy about the new furniture. Jim and I were laughing about her this morning because she was acting like.." I am so excited you bought this for me??" Tiger..(Heather cat Snowball) walked on the couch but was pretty much not impressed..I think he said something about it not being his color?
Kitty Witty and Casey..well they are just happy to have a place to sit!

The reason I am sooo tired this morning is Dawn's fault. I am so kidding..well kind of. We baby sat her girls so they could drive and buy a NEW CAR! (Game Show Announcer Voice) And after a mishap and you know car salesman..and the 2 hour drive one way there..they came home. I know they feel horrible about it but they girls had a good time..other than one upset because my girls toys are removed from their room right now..( not gone..just put away till they can keep their the clothes off the floor. So frustrating!

BUT we found out that someone is selling a house off base here. A BIG house 4 bedrooms but they have a rec. room that is really big. AND its on 4 acres. If you can pray about this with us. We realy would like to move and something with land would be so nice! It sounds so much bigger than this house and we are praying its not too expensive. He was going to rent it really cheap..so please pray for God's will in this. Well I better get!

I now have to find homes for all my stuff (read JUNK) that was displaced. JoJo's dresser was in our living room but its now in the kitchen. Until I pull those bunkbeds off layaway it will probably stay there.

Jim is sooo sweet and such a good man, he is pulling some motorcycles out of the garage and storing them at one of his friends house until he gets back. SO I can store a few things in the garage!

Well I better get..I have to enjoy my furniture! YES I am a nut!


Blogger Heather said...

JAMIE! That looks sooo nice!! The blue is very complimentary...I thought you had also bought another horse picture...to go with that one. The other one was the one I was refering to as far as matching new coffee tables. Looks great!

February 16, 2006 2:55 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

oops! posted it in the wrong spot!!

February 16, 2006 2:57 PM  

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