weight loss weblog

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Driving to Palm Springs

Justin flew yesterday. I went with out any children. It was quite strange actually but nice. I have decided that In-N-Out burger is disgusting. I swear the meat is mixed with liver..which I like..not in a hamburger though. Justin told me that is his favorite place to eat. YUCKY. I know it is cheap cheap cheap. Like $1.60 a burger. But FINALLY I have tried this fast food place.

It seems no matter how soon I plan to come home from down the hill it takes me all day. I had to run here..Justin wanted new pants so we ran back to target, then Jim wanted me to see if they had a certain brand of violin strings so I went to the music store..then ON the way home and passing Walmart in Yucca I remembered the boys needed some art supplies for their art books they are doing together. SO I stopped there and said to Justin..don't let me look around at anything..Of course I see stuff then I just said..Lets get out of here..and we bought our stuff and then left. I didnt get home till VERY late but..I covered a lot of errands.

Today, I am taking Justin to work then heading over to the homestore to look at couches..( they have a sale going on today. Then coming home to work on the house. I didnt get my monday cleaning done yesterday and when I did come home I was worn out and I almost fell asleep rocking Jojo in my recliner. Of course when I came home I had to spend an hour holding Joshua and Joseph..spoiled little guys. (I love being missed) And the kids had Top Ramen for dinner. I KNOW I KNOW! They somehow survived and now they are up trashing the house.

Well I better get..Justin has to be to work in an hour and we still have to go over his school work.

Have a good day!


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