weight loss weblog

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I Cleaned my Bathroom!

Now don't fall onto the floor! I know its shocking!

You know finally after 16 years of marriage and setting up house I finally learned how to clean my bathroom. I don't know why, but I just could never get my bathroom to look "good". I would get most of the ring off but the tiles would just look dingy. Or the toilet sparkeling but the rest looking sad and pitiful. BUT today! I tried something new! I used scrubbing bubbles..( I had used this before) WITH a green scratchy pad! It LOOKS GREAT! I am just sad it took all these years to get to that point! Maybe I won't hate cleaning bathrooms and put it off so long.

What kind of made me laugh at this was the fact my friend Schellee who I have known for years and who cleaned my bathroom in Okinawa..(sparkling) she goes..Oh I have used that for years. GROAN slapping hand to forehead. I would go into peoples houses and using their bathrooms just to see if they were clean or not. And they always were! HOW do they do this I would ponder. I could use the same stuff and it not be as clean. BUT today it was! I was impressed with myself! And had I cleaned my mirrors it would have been bathroom perfection!

I also cleaned my girls room today. I just can't figure out how it can go from spotless to a pig sty in less than 12 hours. I also went through their clothes ..again. I think they just have too many shirts or something? I am going to box them up for now and maybe rotate their stuff in a month or 2. I think it would help if they had a bigger dresser. They share ONE dresser right now so I know that is part of the problem.

MY oldest 2 boys can clean as good if not better than me. I know I worked hard with them when they were younger. I guess I slacked off with the younger ones. We are slowly but surely instilling habits and routines. And I mean slowly! There is this way I want things to work..but in reality it doesnt always go that way..mostly because I have slackeritis! I just need to not procrastinate and just keep doing instead of sitting at the computer. *GASP* did I type that?

One routine that we are trying to get into is our night time routine. Kids change into pajamas..and put their laundry in the hamper that is in the hallway, brush teeth head to bed. Then in the morning they change into clothes and make their beds take down laundry. OK That is the routine I want although most days it doesnt always happen exactly like that. In the morning someone will vaccum and another will clean the bathroom. And another will clean out the cat box. Then we will eat breakfast and start school. Well that is the plan anyways! I know if we were to get those 2 routines down things would run a lot smoother.

Jim came home today at lunch time and cleaned our bedroom..OK cleared off the piles of papers on his desk and dresser. What a difference that made! He is getting ready to pack up his stuff and get it out of the way for me.

I didnt get much laundry done today, so I will have plenty to do tomorrow.

Oh before I forget! Jessica did fine at her first piano lesson. I think I am going to like the teacher. I am JUST SOOOO HAPPY we have a piano teacher finally for her! ITs only $10.00 a week. SO affordable!

Well I am going to head to bed..well read my Bible and then head to bed! You go read yours too! HAVE a good night!


Blogger Susan said...

Well, Jamie, if I'd known you didn't know about Scrubbing Bubbles and a green scratchy pad, I'd have told you already! LOL That's what I've used for years - love that shine!

January 24, 2006 10:15 PM  

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