weight loss weblog

Thursday, May 11, 2006

So whats with throwing up in the midle of the night??

Maybe I was getting too much sleep? Well, looks like everyone is going to get it! So, Joshua had it Sunday, and I really thought the rest of the kids were going to be spared because they all seemed to have other issues rather than throwing up..

BUT NOOOOOOO. They want the full flu experience I guess!

So yesterday, Joseph got sick and then right before bed, Jessica was sick. NOW I have 2 wonderful patients upstairs cleaning up their "miss" (Thats Jacob and Jared). So, it looks like its only a matter of time till the rest of us get it.

I really do not want to throw up. I just can't handle it. I always get so emotional and cry. I can handle quite a bit but just not me throwing up.

I think its going to be a LONG weekend as Joshua is still suffering the effects of this illness and he was throwing up Sunday.

I know we have been hit hard the last few years with seemingly unending illnesses. And some think wow you guys get sick a lot, but we are a LARGE family and we tend to have more of a chance for it. I think it also boils down to people just don't stay home it seems when they are sick. I don't know how many times I have come to our SMALL church only to find out some ones child was running a fever earlier that day and they brought them anyways. Or "oh..last night he was throwing up but he seems fine today" I am SICK of people NOT staying home with their illness.

Want to know what else I think? Too bad, I am going to tell you. I think we get sick here more than any other place because we have open sewage ponds right outside in our back yard. OK not literally in the back yard but the key water feature is the sewage ponds on our base. The main road drives right bye them. Our base smells most of the time. The housing on the otherside of base from us tends to enjoy more odorous days and nights than we do. I honestly think a lot of our illness comes from it. It can't be healthy by any means. We have been sick here more than any other place we have lived. I really hope we get orders out of here very soon.


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