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Saturday, March 25, 2006

My Take on Infant feeding.

Although Joseph is 18 months old and so this really doesn't apply to him anymore. I thought it would be a good place to post my views on infant feeding. First off..I breastfeed. I believe it is the GOLD standard and the BEST you can give your child. There are so many benefits to breastmilk that are continually being discovered. So basically scientists know its good and are continually discovering just how good it really is. I always get a little irritated at these formula companies..when they discover something in breastmilk that is important for brain development...like DHA & ARA they add it to their formulas as if now their formula is better than breastmilk. And sometimes they will label it..with twice the amount of DHA & ARA than in breastmilk. They are finding more and more how unique breastmilk is. It is amazing to me how perfect this food is! They can't replicate breastmilk in any shape or form..but women in our day and age have bought into the lie that bottle feeding is an acceptable alternative.

I know women who think breastfeeding is nasty almost sinful. A practice almost as disgusting as using the toilet. Sad. I shake my head at these women because in truth , they have sad ideas about God's creation. They hinder their baby from getting the best that they can give them and buy into the lie that formula is just as good if not better.

I find it odd that most women that formula feed also start their children out on solids early. They get those babies on cereal as early as possible so they can get them sleeping through the night so they don't have to be bothered by having to wake up. Not even realizing they are bring more harm to their children than good.

Kelly Mom has a very good website dealing with why you should not feed your baby before 6 months of age.

I am on several mothering boards and a few Christian boards and it never fails that eventually some new mother will ask about feeding her baby. Usually its a mother who is probably doing too much to begin with in regards to doing a ministry or working , she is tired because she isn't resting. As soon as she asks , suddenly vultures come out of the woodwork! EVERY one has advice. And their advice is sooo appalling! Usually the WORST advice comes from some woman who raised her kids 30 years ago and she will proceed tell her to get one of those bottles and fill it full of formula and baby cereal and watch the magic as your baby glugs it down. She might even be given advice on how to "prop" the bottle ..but that is a whole 'nother can of worms. Anyway, What is just amazingly sad is, even if told how damaging this practice is, you will find she will take their advice. What in the world I think?

I find most women when they ask questions they already know the answer they just want someone to agree with them and make them feel better about their choice. I realize older women can have some good advice, but not on feeding and especially if they didn't breastfeed and are not keen on the idea of breastfeeding. They really can not be used as a source of "wisdom".

Some of the most startling things I have read is how DAMAGING this practice is to an infant. Their stomachs do not have the lining in them that we have till they are 6 months old or older. That is because they do not have the same type of stomach acids we do till later. What does this mean? It means their stomachs are basically OPEN. A good thing if they are breastfed because they absorb all the nutrients right into their blood stream. Hence why breastfed babies eat ever 2 hours, they metabolize their food faster. Formula on the other hand is not the same and takes longer. The sad part about formula is because a baby does not have the strong acids in their stomach, it is harder for them to digest formula . (hence the 3 hours or more between feedings.) Is this better? I don't think so. I shamefully must say, that with my first child I only breastfed 3 months. Of all my children, he is the one that seems to have some slight food allergies. My other children have no problems. I had no idea that I set my son up for numerous allergies and health problems.

Now that I know how formula pales in comparison to breastmilk, I wish I had breastfed him longer. There is nothing I can do about it now. I wish I could go back and do it differently. Knowing the things I know now..so much REGRET. Oh how I hate that feeling. Not only is it guilt but its knowing the way it should have been, could have been and not able to change the outcome. I realize this is a very touchy subject and I realize there are going to be people who do not agree with my views. I also know there are rare instances where formula may be the only choice for a child. I did not write this to argue with the ones set in their ways, or for the woman who has some warped body perception problems and finds breastfeeding sinful, or the woman who maybe feels guilty she didn't breastfeed and wants everyone to partake in her misery. But I am writing to the woman who wants the best for her child, who wants answers and not bamboozled into believing a lie. Its for the woman who wants someone to encourage her to keep going and help her to know she can make it through those hard times and the pat on back that she is doing the best she can and even if it seems the easy way is to just give up and give a bottle..to know that her hard work and sacrifice will pay off. Its hard to sacrifice as a mother and give up your time for your children. The easy way..well it is easy..but its never better.


Blogger abrightnewdawn said...

I carry some guilt over not breastfeeding very long. Of all that you said, this was the most important:
"I am writing to the woman who wants the best for her child, who wants answers and not bamboozled into believing a lie. Its for the woman who wants someone to encourage her to keep going..."
I didn't have this, and wish I would've. At least I know I have it for the future!! :)

March 25, 2006 2:26 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

I am sooo thankful that my husband insisted I breastfeed from the start!! I had not planned on it....NOW, I would not even CONSIDER EVER giving my baby anything else. I think more women just need the encouragement and the confidence that YES they CAN do it!

March 27, 2006 2:08 AM  
Blogger Free In Christ said...

I nursed my oldest for 3 months, at that time I had to go back to work (my husband was still in college). I missed it. Then when #2 came along, I tried. He was a colicky baby. It was awful. He ate, puked, he never slept. I had just moved to this town, and didn't know anyone, I HAD to put him on a lactose free formula for my sanity. Sometimes, I wonder if it'd been different if I had some support. I really don't have regrets about it. I try not to dwell in the past really. Then #3, this is probably the bad one, I didn't even try. I had an extremely "active" 21 month old, and I didn't even consider it. Now, having said all that, if I was to have another child, I WOULD definately nurse it. No questions. Your post was great for the mothers who need encouargement. It was great.

March 27, 2006 6:01 AM  

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