weight loss weblog

Thursday, March 23, 2006

On a good note!

I have made it to piano practice 2 weeks in a row! I am sooo proud of me! HA HA! My kitchen is STILL making me smile...although the floor isn't. I guess I should break out my mop. Well of course I would LIKE to..but the commissary was sold out of the replacement heads to my mop. DARN I was so looking forward to mopping my floor today.

Tomorrow I think the kids and I are going to get up and leave the house. I am sick of sitting in my house. I don't know what we are going to do but we are going to do something. Maybe we will head to Indian Cove and take some pictures.

Something I did this week and maybe I should take pictures of it. But I took a bunch of learning posters..some I bought YEARS ago and plastered them all over my walls in my dining room and onwards up the stairs. It looks pretty neat. Its actually hard for me to do that sort of thing because I like things a certain way and I would rather have a "class room" for those posters but I thought about it and decided WHO CARES I'm doing it anyways. A Big step out of the box for me. I have such ideas of how things should go. Like for instance..the bed has to be centered on the wall with night stands on either side of the bed. Although my room isnt like that right now..the dressers should be centered also. ( I have too much junk in there to do that right now) But that is how I am..I like things a certain way because in my Mind they are to be that way. Poor Jim..he has always wanted to butt one of the sides up against the wall. Thats so horrifying to me! And the thing is..who has made these rules about how things should be..I know I certianly didn't but someone did and I just picked up on it. I am going to have to say it was JCPenney. See all those years of my youth was spent pouring over the catalogs. I would look at bedding and couches and entertainment stands, curtains, clothing and wedding dresses and baby cribs. So really, how I decorate my house was shapened by JCPenney. Had they shoved beds against the walls and had motorcycles in the living room and carbuerator parts in the dishwasher maybe, just maybe Jim and I would have been a little more compatible. But Alas, they did not. I would like to think it was rather a good thing. Of course, now that I think of it.. we really haven't had a JCPenny catalog in our home because for 10 years we were out of country and didn't get them and I always forget to pick one up when they do come out. GASP my kids are going to be wierd!!!


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