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Friday, March 10, 2006


I have been doing research on Unschooling. Mostly because it was recently brought up on a Christian board that I am on. I was actually quite surprised at how many who knew nothing about this method of schooling were soo quick to make judgements on it with out actually knowing anything about it. I myself have a lot of snippets of opinion from hearing bits and pieces of other peoples opinions on this subject. Being that I try not to form opinions on things I know nothing about, I have decided to research this method. Some of what I have been reading has been so interesting. Like this article a woman wrote on how her children learned to read.

Reading Article.

As I read this article and pondered the whole stress free learning here, I kept thinking of this verse : Deuteronomy 6:7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

I do believe there are some things that do require structure, but reading this opens my eyes that there is so much more to learning than just workbooks and tests. In talking to women who unschool. The one chord that I keep seeing in their lives is all the learning opportunities they make for their children. Most I see, are not at home 8 hours a day sitting in front of their tv or computer while their kids do their own thing. They are actively taking their children to the library, field trips, parks where they bring their sketch books and sketch butterflies or what ever interested them that day. Just seems to me that these women who practice unschooling really love to be around their children and strive to make every day a meaningful learning experience. That is what I want in my family, my kids to enjoy going on a walk..and seeing something new..to go home and look it up on the computer to marvel at wow..we saw that. Oh and look did you know this about them? To me it seems very natural and real! Its taking the time to get to know your child and learn what they enjoy..not just do this page..or that page. But hey look Jessica..what is that bug on that flower. Stealing this thought from Gina, She said to me the other day " The things my children are experts in, are the things I never taught them". Isnt that the truth!

Jason, when he wanted to learn how to do flips..went to the library and got a book..he is an expert at them. how many times he has gone to the library to learn how to make a laser (YIKES) Jason is very bright, in fact, a lot of times I find that he is bored with school. He is the first one to complain that he doesnt know why he has to learn the same things over and over. He has no problem learning a concept right away. And you know what..I see no reason in making him do page after page sometimes of things he has already learned. Well except for the fact we do things in life sometimes we don't want to do. Although I can find better ways to bring that point across.

I am not done researching this unschooling method, and I am not even sure I will agree to everything..but I certianly do not see it as negative way of teaching. Homeschooling not even 20 years ago was considered strange and WRONG even by Christians when people first starting doing it. Just because its not the way you think things should be doesnt always mean its wrong. I am willing to have an open mind and not quickly show my ignorance by dismissing something I know nothing about. I also realize..as in ALL things there are always bad examples that will be thrown up to prove how wrong any method of schooling is, I do not think anyone should make an opinion based on one example. I hear all the time about how I wont do such and such because My mom, sister, cousin, friend, lady in church, etc did and they failed. I wont base anything on someone else's results or lack of. I always chuckle inside when I hear people who have an opinion like that because they basicly are saying..I won't do that because I am just like the person I am bashing.! They just don't realize it.

Thats like saying:
I wont make lasagna because my friend made one 2 years ago and it didnt turn out. Think about it. * note edited to not confuse my sister about lasagna..Its an example not an actual event..and I actually do make lasagna (quite well) *

I am sure I will have more thoughts in the future.


Blogger Jamie said...

YEAH.you need to quit trying to be like me gina. I am serious..you are such a nice girl (LOLOLOL) its ok to be yourself! ROFLOL I will still like you no matter what. And oh my gosh were we twins seperated at birth or something?

March 11, 2006 12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it exciting, all this research, and right at our fingertips in our own home! Gotta love the internet for that. I so love a lot of the benefits and ideas of unschooling. I use it when I can, but when a situation warrants something different, we use that, too. Definitely Eclectic here.
Have fun!

March 13, 2006 5:23 AM  

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