weight loss weblog

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


When Jim and I bought our first set of furniture I bought this picture with it. I had fallen in love with it.

I guess we were going through our country phase at the time so it probably was appropriate. Although I really don't even like horse stuff..or at least not IN to it like people I grew up with were. I was busy collecting other horse items when we got orders to Okinawa Japan. So, I boxed up all my stuff..even my painting.. and kissed them all fondly goodbye as we placed them in storage. I didn't see them again for 6 years.

While in Okinawa I got into more of the birdhouse/Victorian look. Pink, florals and anything GLASS. I know surprising huh?

For years, because I am the type that tries too hard to please everyone, I never knew what I liked. It wasn't till I was trying to decorate my bedroom that I realized that I like florals and pinks. I had for YEARS tried to find something for my bedroom that would be liked by both Jim and myself. I would show him bedding set after bedding set. Things that were mostly manly looking..like plaids with just a touch of girlie. Maybe an eyelet bedskirt and pillows. He was always like.. "ho hum..yeah that's nice" Which in Jimlish is..I don't like it.

After say..YEARS of this long and daunting task to spend money on bedding that we would both like, I finally decided that I didn't care if he liked it I was going to get what I wanted. I went out the next day and bought this girlie, girlie floral pink bedding and went home and scurried and set up my bed. You should have seen the LOOK on Jim's face and you should have seen mine when he said "OH I LIKE IT!" I was like.."you do??" He even came home the next day with PINK CARPET!

Unfortunately for Jim is..that day I decided I would decorate the way I liked. Which is GIRLIE!

I guess that is why I am surprised at how taken I was with the BLUE couches..they aren't' particularly girlie. Anyway....

Back to my horses.. if I am going to buy something horsey I do have a few rules. NO humans in the picture..unless its like a little girl or boy dressed in period clothes and doing something cute. I rarely see those..so.NO HUMANS and definetly NO Marlboro man riding the horse. Ok so maybe thats the only rule. Well other than it sort of has to "go" with the living room. Like..usually I say no to the Neon Green Horse pictures.

I'm not sure I am even particularly crazy about western stuff.
And since we are talking about rules to things in my house. I like victorian stuff but there are some things I don't like. I don't like OLD victorian looking stuff. And I don't like pictures with girls and women. hmm.. No humans...I am seeing a trend here. I prefer more of the lace. roses and such.

Oh and I don't like victorian shoes.


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