weight loss weblog

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Ahhh.I am sitting down.

Well I had a busy day! I finished the birthday cake this morning. I had it all done except for the flowers before I had to take Justin to work this morning. In fact, I felt so at ease I went yard saling. I found 2 coats one was only 25 cents and I found Joshua a BLUE coat..(his favorite color btw) that one was 2.00 so I bought 2 really NICE coats for 2.25. NOT BAD!

Joshua bought a stuffed animal. He was so cute about it. He picked it up and said to me..LOOK MOM Its my FLAPPY. I was like what?? He then says. ITs my Flappy. Well I said..put it back and he did..( he obeyed! YEAH) but as we were leaving he kept saying..Mom you cant leave my flappy there. So who could resist a plea like that? NOT I said the soft centered gooey Mom. So he picked his Flappy up and bought him for 25 cents. He was so sweet and said Thank you Mom for my Flappy. YES FLAPPY has joined our home. I will definetly get the pictures up tomorrow after church. Joshua also got some crayons and a ball and another flashlight. Then we stopped at Dawn's house and he was shopping off the table. When we came home He had this arm full of toys. I was shocked because I didnt remember him getting ALL that. So Joshua really likes going to yard sales now. Tonight someone mentioned yard sales and He said to me. Mom I really like yard sales. Can we go again?

After I came home I finished the cake..even slapped some war paint on then we headed to the park to freeze to death as we celebrated our Pastor's Daughter's Birthday. It was so cold and WINDY. And Joseph fell asleep shortly after we got there so I held a sleeping baby for 2 hours or so. I was glad when the party disbanded and we could go home. I was so tired when we came home I laid on the couch and dozed while Joseph jumped on my back and because I was so tired I didnt even notice.

I didnt really sleep..well the jumping on my back was rather rythmic but sleep just kept escaping from me. Oh I also made some Chai Tea tonight. A year or so ago I had bought some instant Chai Tea from one of those home party companies called Tastefully Simple? I think that was the name of the company. It was so good but Extreemely expensive. Anyways, because I am sooo CHEAP and can't bear to spend money on something I can make myself..I searched the internet far and wide..OK really I went to allrecipes.com and typed in Chai Tea. Anyway, after searching day and night for a chai tea recipe I noticed the 2nd recipe in the list. It had 5 stars and so I looked it over. First of all it said it was for those frequent Chai emergencies. Just the wording alone told me IT WAS THE ONE. ( DA DA ) Anyways, It is a GREAT BAD FOR YOU TEA! So I totally recommend it. and let me tell you it takes care of those emergencies.

So, my kitchen is clean and making me smile, I have instant chai tea for way less than I was getting it for and most of my children are in bed. AHHH peace and quiet what a precious commodity! So good night!


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