weight loss weblog

Friday, March 24, 2006

How Long does creamer last?

Um..you remember my creamer I bought in December? Well..I didnt like it remember? Well It is still in my fridge waiting for me to drink it. HA I am scared! So maybe I should throw it out. Its like this constant reminder that there is unfinished buisness in the fridge. You know I never did get that Mint chocolate Mocha. I did have a friend say she picked me up some..but I know she ended up sampling it and it was probably so good she had to keep it.

But..I think I am over that. You know now that the girl scouts cookies are here. OK I am really kidding here. I totally avoided them this year. Mostly because they discontinued the flavor I wanted the raspberry pinwheels or whachamahuya ones. All I know is they had them last year and I only bought ONE box not knowing they were the best cookie of all time and when I got around to eating that one..I was LIKE whoa..where did this cookie come from?? By that time they were sold out and it figures they didnt sell them this year. Another good reason NOT to buy cookies this year is the fact that they are $4.00 a box. Ok buying 10 cookies for 4.00 seems a little outrageous to me. I just can't justify it so no girl scout in my area received an order. I almost feel bad, but Thank Goodness I started my diet JUST before they came around. It was a lot easier to say no to them. I secretly think this is all part of their plan. See this year they didnt have some of my favorites, so a lot of dissapointed people were quite bummed that their raspberry whatchamahuya's were not sold. So..NEXT year they will come out with them and everyone remembering how they were not sold last year will snatch them up. We wont even care that this year they are $5.00 because we will justify it with the fact that if we don't get them now..who knows when they will sell them again.

Some of us will justify the expense because.."were going to freeze them" YEAH RIGHT..I did that last year and I tell you they survived ONE WEEK in my freezer. They were eaten WELL before then. I must say freezing them did help them to last longer than normal 30 minutes. It also helped me win cool points with Jim when I pulled out of the freezer his favorite peanutbutter yucky cookies. (you might not catch this little known fact..I am not a peanut butter fan)

You know..just typing "little known fact" made my mind skip. HA..It seriously makes me want to type something about how I don't like peanutbutter every day for like 6 weeks. BUT I wont do that to you. Just giving you an idea of how my mind works. Scary isnt it?

BACK to my creamer question, how long does non-dairy creamer last in the fridge. I really want to know this because I almost had a chance to try out creamer that had been left in someones fridge for two years. I KNOW it was 2 years old because I was the one that bought it. I wont mention anyone's fridge in this case.( to protect the innocent) So do you think it would have been still good? Is it like Twinkies and have a shelf life of 20 years? I just couldnt bring myself to drink it. It still smelled good though. I imagine my 3 month old creamers are probably still good but I doubt I will like them more now than I did then. Maybe I should leave them in there till Jim comes home? Or take up boat building ..oh wait I am getting way out there..never mind that last bit. I guess MAYBE I should get some sleep before I get really giddy here.

So..anyone want to try some creamer?


Blogger abrightnewdawn said...

None for me, thanks!!

March 24, 2006 12:08 PM  

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