weight loss weblog

Friday, March 24, 2006

Did I want to drive or what?

Well I headed out late tonight to pick up Jason's cake. His birthday is tomorrow but we are sort of doing it tonight. He is having a couple of friends over to play video games all night. Anyways, on the way to the commissary, I came up to the Del Valle light (the main traffic light on this 2 light base) and I noticed that the cars were backed up all the way from the front gate. In fact the cars coming towards me were backed up clear to the Adobe Flats back gate..which was not open. Just imagine a super HUGE traffic jam. The worst part of this is that even if you were not leaving the base you were forced to sit in traffic because from one side of the base to the other there is only ONE street open since they are doing construction on the only other street that goes through.
When I went into the commissary all traffic was pretty much a stand still going towards the main gate. When I came out, it was even worse. I did end up taking a "short" cut behind the commissary towards the other light to get into traffic. It took me over 15 minutes to go 20 feet. Thankfully I was chatting with my friend Dawn who I could see over at Carls Jr. About the time I had finally made it to the Carl's Jr entrance I had decided to just head home. At about that time, the traffic started moving and I was home 15 minutes later. Did it ever make me thankful for smooth flowing traffic!

Anyways, Jason is turning 15 tomorrow.

As I was typing this I had 2 weird kids racing for the jeep to bring me my cell phone. How weird..had I known it was such a wonderful task I would give it more often because they just about beat the door down to get it to me. STRANGE children. I have NO idea where they get this from.

So..Jason will be 15. I bought him some clothes..typical 15 year old fare. He also has a raincheck from me for a particular DS game that comes out in June.

Well, I better get in a few minutes I am going to have a burnt offering instead of dinner.


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