weight loss weblog

Friday, February 24, 2006

It's after Midnight here

and jim should have landed in Iraq by now.

I have survived our first day with out him. I know it wont really hit me till its been a month. OF COURSE the kids gave me a run for my money today. And it was a church night tonight. I almost didnt go because I didnt want to get up and fix my hair and change out of pj's LOL ok i wasnt in a night gown..but I was in a sloppy shirt..so its almost as bad.

I didnt do any laundry..or clean anything...but I did have the kids do schoolwork.

The only reason I am still up now..is..I had bought curtian rods on amazon.(I needed curtains for my living room) and they only had one rod in stock when I ordered the other day..well I saw last night they had 1 in stock at 1am.and it was sold out by this morning.( who in the world stays up till 1 am shopping???) So I waited and kept checking today and LO and BeHOLD there was 1 in stock at MIDNIGHT tonight! So I bought it! I am excited I don't usually put up curtains but i want to get rid of my mini blinds...till we move out.

YES some people eat chocolate or stuff when they are sad..I SHOP. Jim wanted me to send him his coffee pot ..but he tried to pack it in his seabag and the carafe broke..so I said I would get a new one..till I realized I was going to spend over 20 in gas driving to yucca valley to get a carafe.(if they even have this kind) .it would be cheaper to just get a new coffee maker right. So I bought one of those hamilton beach ones that dont even need a carafe..(less to get broken). I know i spent a little more than I would have..but he will love it and they are shipping directly to him so I dont have to pack it up and DRIVE to the post office to stand in line for an hour.

Anyways, I am doing really well (surprisingly) this time around. WAY better than when Jim went last time. Last time I had just had a misscarriage and I know I was a little off the whole time he was gone. I ended up going to my parents house for the last 6 weeks. I know that helped me a lot but still it wasnt till I got pregnant with Joseph that I actually went back to normal. I think now that there was something off balance with me back then. I am just glad pregnancy fixed it! WIERD! I feel pretty strong this time..I know its the Lord! I can't lay claim to anything in that department...but I know He has given me strength. One thing I have been praying about every night is that I stay on top of things and keep order in my home. I know it would be sooo easy to just slack off and go with the flow..but I know that would just make things worse. I now my hardest time will be when I hit the one month mark. LIke I said to someone today.its like when you have a baby. The first 2 weeks or so you feel great! You have energy..(cause your not lugging a baby around) and so you do stuff! Clean, bake, organize! (At least I do..cause I can MOVE again with out pain) The problem is..you feel so good that you over do it and around the one month mark you get tired and worn out and need to rest but NO ONE understands whats wrong with you because you were fine after that baby was born. So I am thinking that is how this is going to hit me. I figure the shock will wear off by then.

Anyways, if you can pray for Joshua. He thinks we left Daddy at the West Gym, because we didnt stay till the buses left. So he is quite upset with me that we LEFT him there. And wants me to go get his Daddy. If we ever have to do it again..we would watch the buses leave. But we are telling him every time..Daddy is in Iraq. I am going to get a world map and hopefully he will get the connection.

Well I better get. I know this is long and rambly and may have horrible misspellings and grammar..but its after Midnight..what do you expect? Tomorrow I invited a friend and her 4 boys over for lunch. I think that is the key..keeping busy..so I plan to get to know her better and maybe the time will go by FAST!


Blogger Heather said...

Oh Jamie...you sound like you are in great spirits. What an inspiration. Totally know what you mean about the overdoing it the first couple of weeks..then fizzling at the month mark, but that is NOT going to happen this time!! :) You have alot more support this time, and not trying to recover from a tragedy. Still praying for you- love you

February 24, 2006 4:26 AM  

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