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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Secret Sins

You know raising my children is trying sometimes. I have certian children who seem to be a handful at times. (I see you nodding your head) I am finding though, that although they tend to be very outward in their disobedience and sometimes I want to pull out my ever graying hair, I think they honestly are easier to deal with. DID I LOSE YOU?

With 8 children they are all different. All individuals with their own likes dislikes and SIN. I am finding that my more seemingly compliant children are the biggest struggle of all. At least with those busy outward sins you see the root is silliness and just plain wanting attention. But the secret heart sins have a root of rebellion to them. Its easy to outwardly obey but inwardly seeth in anger. I guess I have a good idea of that because I remember how I was as a kid. Not that I was very compliant! I do know all about the inward heart sins though. I see that so much in some of my children. Its hard to find the root to a serious heart sin when your not sure what the cause is. Sometimes its been festering for years , unbeknownst to you because those sins are hard to spot.

Just like the friend that can look at you and KNOW your not alright even though you try your best to fool everyone. The one person you never fool is God
Psalm 90: 8-9
Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.
For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told.

That is what I try to get through to my children. God sees your sins, he knows your heart. THERE is nothing you can hide from him. I tell my children you maybe able to hide it from your parents and your friends but those sayings in the Bible are true... like in Numbers 32:23 we are promised that our sin will find us out.

We are also promised that we will reap what we sow. That is very humbling to me! I better sow the good things! What a struggle that is! I know in my own life I struggle to do right and keep my heart sins in check. And when I dont, they find their way to the surface. Sometimes its hard to know just what to do to bring repentance in my childrens life. Sometimes I just think what in the world! I imagine God thinks the same of me sometimes! I cant think of a whitty close or a perfect ending so I guess I will just say if you think of it PRAY for me in the raising of my children.


Blogger Heather said...

Sooo good, and sooo true. Brianna gets in trouble at school sometimes for her silliness and hyperness, but her character development is coming along well...something the some other kids lack, but can sit still like a rock for hours. It is so trying to address heart issues and turn them Godward but behavior modification...piece of cake in comparison. Unfortunately, sometimes that is all people see in kids is the behavior conditioning rather than the heart motives. Very very difficul. I will pray for, I need it too as this is such a challenge.

December 20, 2005 7:41 PM  
Blogger Nikki said...

VERY good, Jamie!!! I have both types also!!! I also agree with you on the one that is doing the "outward" sins is much easier to deal with most of the time!!

December 20, 2005 7:43 PM  
Blogger Sarah Joy said...

Yup! It's the one's who can't stand disaproval and don't like confrontaiton that have the turmoil going on in the heart. I see her turning inward and I know somethings up in there, but it takes real discernment to draw it out.

December 20, 2005 8:01 PM  

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