Today was sort of a slow day.
Joseph is taking more and more steps every day. Although once he takes a few steps he starts laughing so hard he falls down. So it might be a while but not much longer. I have mixed feelings about him walking..I am a little sad because he is growing so fast and excited because he is growing up! Maybe its time for another??? LOL just kidding! ;)
Well I am going to bed soon..tomorrow I have a busy busy day ahead of me. I am taking the van into the hobby shop to have them help me replace the battery and pull the code on it. A few weeks ago when we had some major flooding we got stuck in it on the way home from church. It was really bad..I was afraid we weren't going to make it home. Well after we got home the service engine light came on..and stayed on for 3 weeks..we didnt drive it so its been a little crazy doing things. Jim has been at schools so he hasnt been able to take the time to fix I am going to do it tomorrow to FREE up our weekend.
I am actually looking forward to it! Well I better get! I need to get some sleep so I am NOT cranky momma tomorrow!