weight loss weblog

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Results not typical

Ok what does this mean? I am on weight watchers *again* and everywhere I see these encouraging weightloss stories..they always have this note saying. *Results not typical. What bugs me a lady will have lost 25 pounds and they have it on there..and the one that lost 10 pounds has it also..so what is the typical weightloss?

As best as I can figure maybe most...like me start doing weight watchers and quit between week 3 and week 6..It may be that the only weight loss is like 5 pounds so that is the typical weightloss. WHAT I would love to see..is of the ones that go 12 weeks or more or say 6 months..how much these people lose.

I know of 2 women who are on a message board with me that have lost a LOT of weight doing weight watchers. One has lost OVER 100 pounds! And the other has lost 55 pounds! Is it because they are both friends doing this together why they have had incredible success? (If so I want to be their friend) or is just because they actually did the program and didnt give up. Is the reason the results are not typical is because people give up too easily, or too soon or they just dont exactly try.

I have been doing a lower calorie diet for several months. I feel like finally I can actually do this diet and be successful. I am on week 2..and usually I have almost given up. I don't know why but the counting the points has always been hard. I know its EASY but I might do it a few days or meals and then I start giving up. I go to the meetings a few weeks but I never consistantly count my points. I do make better choices so I tend to lose weight regardless. BUT I always wonder..if I was actually did the program how successful I would be.
Well I made it very very simple for me to stick to weight watchers. I eat for me now mostly convience foods. I don't have to stress out trying to figure the points in the foods I make my family.

A typical day of food for me looks like this.
Coffee with creamer 3 points
Breakfast Burrito (south beach) 3-4 points

Pizza (south beach) 7 points

Healthy choice 5-7 points
Salad 0 points.

That usually leaves me a few points to get in some fruit and dairy in the evening.

I think it helps that don't seem to have a problem eating salad with out salad dressing. Anytime in between that I feel hungry you may find me doing one of 2 things..either eating carrot sticks or celery or drinking a ton of water.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've lost 86 lbs with WW and I work for them now. If you don't like counting points, try Core. I lost 35 lbs with Core and I maintain with it too.

May 17, 2006 5:51 AM  

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