weight loss weblog

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Look I'm posting a blog!

I know I tend to get busy on these weekends. Plus add the fact that we got our taxes! And how I would love to say..oh we have been having a time of our life..in reality I have had sickos all weekend. Everyone keeps taking turns running a fever. This morning I woke up just feeling likc crud so we didn't go to church. I did make a trip out to the commissary. I put it off this weekend..well I was going to do it on Saturday because we went to the homestore. OUR big outing! Whoooo! Ok I am so being funny because the Home store is like 5 minutes away and because they just had inventory..they have NOTHING In the store..well Ok they do but not much. Its pretty sad. And my couches that were there FRIDAY morning when I walked into the store looking like death, but stopped in because I had just dropped Justin off, were NOT there the next day. They said someone came in right after I did and bought them up. I was sooo sad! But I can special order them. We didn't even stay long because Jim was not feeling well and little did I know he needed to RACE home because he left me at the at the commissary talking to my friend Dawn.

She saw us leaving the Home store and because I had dresses for her foster babies, I wanted to give them to her. I almost grabbed my purse, but didnt and when i turned around..JIM was LONG gone. He was trying to be nice and give me time to chat with my friend but I was MONEY LESS. I mean MAN you gotta have your money when your chatting with friends.

Anyways, we stayed home today. We still have fevers running through the house. I did run to the store and put some dishes on layaway ( I was getting laundry hampers and you know how it goes) And then I went and got food because the commissary is closed tomorrow and we needed MILK.

Tomorrow I have to take Justin down the hill for his FIRST flying lesson. I am seriously wondering how I am going to do it feeling like this, he isnt sick. ORIGINALLY our plans were to go shopping while Justin was flying. I think I am going to bring a pillow or something. I don't even know places to go down there..other than stores.

The kids are bringing their books and going to work on them on the way there..I mean.its over an hour they have to do something. Well I better go..I have to pack the tylenol and diapers and all the other fun. Plus I am making food for me..so I dont get tempted to eat bad for your burgers.

OK BEDTIME for me! Pray we get over all this sickness!


Blogger Heather said...

Oh Jamie, you sound like us! We are playing musical sickness...Brian has been hogging the only "well chair". :) Poor Lily and I can't seem to kick this, and now MY ears are bothering me!! Praying you get better...pray for me too!!

January 29, 2006 8:54 PM  

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