weight loss weblog

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Ok..I have been really bad at posting lately. Its been very hard for me to do anything..especially since I lay in bed or on the couch all day. HA

BUT I am doing better. I started tanning. I LOVE it. I started doing it for ever 5 pounds I that I lose. I also started the South Beach diet. And surprisingly it isnt hard to stick to. I have had a few moments where I wanted something ..like the other day watching those kids torture me eating raisin bran. BUT I survived. I jokingly call this the evil diet. I am on DAY 5 BTW so I might update you in that department.

I know had I not been disciplined with my eating these last 5 months I would not be able to do this. I am going to do the induction phase of this diet till Jim gets home. I am excited to see how much weight loss I actually end up with!

I really havent done much lately. I am taking advantage of my day spa trip around my anniversary. I am going to head down the night before and stay in a hotel all by myself WITH OUT KIDS!!! I NEED it I seriously do.

I do have pictures to post on here..and its not that I dont have time. I am just a loser.

Anyway! UNDER 60 days till JIM IS HOME! I am looking forward to that so much!

OH I recently got my jeep repaired 500.00 and NOW the light on hubby's Ford is coming ON!



Saturday, July 08, 2006

My life in an itsy bitsy nut shell

Ok first off..since I posted last I guess you could say we have had things happen? Like the stomach flu! YEP that is always my favorite happening! We had that Tuesday Morning so we completely missed out on fellowship that whole day. ON the bright side. I took Jerrica to get her glasses in Palm Springs they were 147.00 but we had to get them and we got them the same day. We enjoyed our time in Palm springs together.

What else! I have been tanning. I have heard it helps you fight depression. (sshhh)Its so relaxing! I enjoy going out with out kids even if its just 20 minutes or so out during the day.

In truth I have had a lot of hard days this week. Hard time with the kids and my own emotional stuff. I tried to get a picture of all the kids in their shirts but..the day they wore them and looked good I didnt get it and I KNEW I needed to take their pictures! And since then Jerrica got a shiner from her older brother. YES we are having so much fun.

I also started going back to the gym again. I cant do that 4:30 which is in my mind "the perfect" time to go..so I am settling with just going at 8am. My goal was to go 3 times this week. I WENT once..but I walked the mall with Jerrica and it was walking let me tell you. So I am not too upset with my progress. Next week..I'll try for 2 and keep increasing.

I am going to start the south beach diet Monday. I want to spur myself on to more weight loss and this they said comes from the belly..where I really really need it. I just think I am already doing phase 2/3 so this wont be hard at all ..well just the first 2 weeks.

ANYWAYS this is my update for what its worth.