weight loss weblog

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Wow I must like to stay busy!

Today was a very busy day! I went to the doctors today. It was for some long term problems I have been having. She ordered more tests, a chest xray, and put in for me to see an ent specialist. She thinks that maybe just maybe I am allergic to where we live so she put me on some long term something or another medication.

After my appointment I went to the commissary and spent $275 in groceries..I was only going to get a few things..but then I would see this or that and oh I have to get this..JIM loves that..oh and I should get this and we could have such and such for dinner. Anyways..by the time I finished, I ended up buying enough food for 10 days worth of meals. Pretty much for the next two weeks. So much for just the next couple of days. So that will almost take us through the end of payday . I still have meat and veggies in the fridge so I might not have to go back for very much..( just milk and veggies and fruit.) I am figuring we will end up spending 350 all together. I tend to spend between 500-700 a month on groceries. I know I could really cut it down, but Jim really likes to eat a certain way. So I think he is worth it so I just fix foods he will like. I figure he works hard he should get to eat what he wants.

I also bought something for me. Most people dont like it..but I LOVE it..thanks to my mom making it a lot growing up. I bought LIVER!!. Actually..my kids love it! I never told them what it was when I would make it and they ate it with out complaint!! Jim doesnt like liver so we will be having it this week while he is gone.
I also LOVE LOVE LOVE FRIED OKRA. I should have bought that..JIM HATES that! He says its too slimey! I'm not good at fixing it but my mom is! She is the best cook..she used to make me FRIED OKRA and Fried Green tomatoes. OH I miss it! I sure hope we can buy a house and have a garden. I miss all that and the HUGE zuchini's. ( And maybe I can convince her to come down and visit us!)

Today at the commissary I bought Joshua another flashlight. HE LOVES flashlights. He likes to use them to find frogs and make "ghosthands". Tonight at soccer practice I was walking a nature trail around the complex and he had brought his flashlight and was having the greatest time with it. I ended up pushing Joshua and Joseph because Joshua climbed into the basket part. You know pushing that stroller in the sand was a KILLER, but I am sure it did some good! I have a lot of weight to lose. I only got in about a mile 1/2 before we had to leave. I wish we could have stayed longer but I was ready to get those kiddos home and in bed.

I had a Weight Watchers meeting today also. I have missed the last couple of weeks, mainly because of finances and soccer insanity, but I was so happy, because I still lost weight! Albeit only .2 of a pound LOLOLOL but hey Its sure better than gaining! And since I have been OFF the diet this is encouragement to get back on it and start over! So I have resolved to really do it, starting tomorrow LOLOLOLOL. I know I just need to write everything down and not waver. I get lazy when I dont.

Jim called me today while I was out and about but he doesnt have a good connection down there so it was more like..can you hear me..can you hear me? He should be home tomorrow. Hopefully early but I will take any time at this point! I just PLAIN miss him!

Tomorrow I have a LOT of house work. Its been hard with all our comings and goings to keep up. I have so much laundry..I hate to even admit this..but I havent done laundry since tuesday and I probably have 8 loads to do tomorrow. Which will have to get done because Jim will be bringing his laundry home this weekend. Shame on me! Well I just looked..( and started another load) I have maybe 4 loads and a few blankets..not nearly as bad as I thought and sometimes I just pile up the blankets on the deep freeze and do them as I have time..they are not as pressing as say the underwear! LOL

Justin my oldest is turning 16 this month on the 24th..really not very long 9 days! That is hard to believe! I will probably get the old standard of clothes..but I am also getting him a blanket for his bed. I have been wanting to buy the kids mink blakets for their beds for a long long time. Justin and Jason really like those white bengal tigers so they are doing their room in a jungle theme and I found a blanket on ebay that I am going to get them. If you want to see it click
here . Jason wants a different one and I will probably pick it up next month for him ( and HIDE IT) I am also going to get some jeans and probably some shoes. YEP thats a fun fun birthday but the fun will be that he is having some friends stay the night. They are going to stay up all night playing video games. I think were having like 5 kids come over? I must be insane! They will have fun though!

Well Joshua just came down stairs looking for his flash light and asking me in his cute adorable 3 year old voice..will you come lay down with me. Even though he is such a busy busy boy..he still likes to snuggle!


Blogger Carolyn said...

I love liver, but I dont know how to cook it, so i just have to have it when I go somewhere and I feel like ordering it! :)

September 16, 2005 5:54 AM  
Blogger Jennwith4 said...

How funny! I used to love liver as a kid but I haven't had it in ages. Hmmmm, maybe I'll try it out again!

September 18, 2005 10:30 PM  

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